For further information please contact Captain D. Thomas Starr at We are a new organization of seasoned reeneactors who try to set the "standard of living history and timeline events". We do many Civil war events. Since 1997, The Armies of Tennessee has been a re-enactment organization dedicated to the preservation of American History. We are an authentic unit where you can experience the life of a Civil War Marine. Infantry Co. G Tionesta Rangers. Here you can find a list of groups that portray the American Civil War period. The First Colorado Volunteer Infantry is an American Civil War living history group. Check out our web-site. Sutlers: You will often see information regarding sutlers on various websites and event listings. 5th California Infantry Regiment. We portray Co. A of the sharpshooter battalion of Genl. We are a Progressive Campaigner but we are also a Family oriented unit. We are a family oriented unit who participates in battle reenactments, Living histories,School programs. Hope to hear from you soon! Children can usually even participate, although most reenactment groups have a minimum age (12 or 13 is common) for children to be allowed . RevWar '75 Continental Army Orderly Books Crown Forces Orderly Books Articles from Military Collector and Historian. In the years that followed . Last year, the Fresno County Historical Society began the process of re-imagining its yearly Civil War Revisited fundraiser. Member of the 4th Regt, Army of Northern VA. Unit Co E, 2nd NC Mounted Infantry is primarily a Union group but also portrays Confederate if needed. Infantry, CSA. GETTYSBURG, Pa. The sun rose on the second day of the Battle of Gettysburg, 2018, to reveal a line of cars parked behind the Union Army's tents. Follow the links to the command elements to see listings of the The Breckinridge Greys, 5th Kentucky Infantry is a group of progressive, campaign oriented living historians based in Kentucky & portraying the common Confederate soldier in the western theater. First Regiment Kentucky Volunteers, Company E. First Regiment Kentucky Volunteers, Company E is actively recruiting to fill our ranks. California American Civil War Society. Our home base is Rose Creek, MN. Company H 151st PA (Reading, PA)is seeking fun motivated individuals for reenactments/living histories ectWe are a politic free organization. Participants typically camp out under the stars. The 20th is a family oriented Civil War re-enactment group. Members come from TN, NC, SC, GA. We primarily operate in TN, MS, and KY. volunteers welcome. We are looking for some good men who are proud of their heritage. We are a military group in arizona and desperately search for events in the area, there are very few. We strive for excellence in the field but are committed to having fun while we're doing it! This Company will be a sharpshooting reenactment group within the 2nd SC Rifles. The Multi-Lakes Association for Civil War Studies (MLACWS), is the overarching, non-profit organization that works to raise money for historic preservation. We are a Confederate Infantry unit of the Trans-Mississippi Theater. Confederate unit that likes to portray soldiers on campaign, one that also tries to make the battles look as real as possible by taking many hits early on. In California, Civil War reenactors brandish the Southern cause. The actual Battle of Olustee was bloody: One in four men was a casualty, with 2,807 killed, wounded or captured. We are a progressive campaigner unit in South Central, Ohio, dedicating ourselves to preserving the memory of the Confederate soldier and his heroic struggle. Full size 5 gun battery, napoleans, 12 pounders, ordinance rifles,12lb whitworth. Battle in GA FLA AND S.C. We need you to join up. . New Hampshire Reenactors. The Southern Piedmont Historical Reenactment Society, Inc. (SPHRS) is a non-profit, family oriented, historical society made up of people like you who are interested in preserving our nation's rich heritage. Civilians. Progressive Living Historian's who strive to present an accurate representation of life of a CS soldier. The USV is a Not For Profit organization. We are currently recruiting volunteers. The company is based in southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois. 17th South Carolina Infantry- Broad River Light Infantry. So if interested in giving us a look or joining, five us a yell. Based out of Atlanta, Ga we attend events all throughout the south east. Fun for whole family send email for more information. 716-337-2037. view Recent Issue. If interested contact Lt Harmer. Rifles, 21st Michigan Volunteer Infantry, Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved by Milsurpia. Participates in events in Wisconsin and Illinois. Army of Northern Virginia is a family oriented organization. Participants say they are drawn to the events for several reasons camaraderie, love of history, sartorial escapism but for many, personal political views play a role. September 3-4. Please contact Jon any time. Recuriting new members. Non-political group that is family oriented. An outgrowth of the Civil War, the gunfighter-era also spawned a number of outlaws. Civil War reenactments first began during the Civil War itself, when both Union and Confederate soldiers would stage mock battles in order to train for actual combat. It entered service in 1862 and was discharged in 1865. The 47th NCV is a family friendly unit located in central NC. We ride grey and blue, mostly grey. We are the color guard for the Tennessee Valley Battalion. looking for recruits. Updated July 07, 2020 12:25 PM. Tired of politics or lies?We are a family oriented unit that offers moumted,dismounted & civilion impressions.We are dedicated to portraying 1860s cavalry life. We are family oriented and welcome all ages to take part in our unit. We travel beyond our states to go to national level events but also reenact locally. AR. We authenticaly portray the fighting men of New Hampshire! These events are closed to the public and open to reenactors only. Civil War Reenactors Cleburnes Coleman's Civil War Theatrical Presentations Confederate Network Confederate States Marine Corps, 5th Batallion Department of Northern Virginia . Crucial to that project has been the erasure of slavery from the story, said James Campbell, a professor of American history at Stanford. We also do alot of school programs for children. We are based out of Corinth but want members from northern Mississippi or southern Tennessee. Come help us keep history alive! Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved by Milsurpia. Our unit was formed a few years ago in Wyoming. We are the 1st SC Volunteer Infantry Co H " Cherokee Pond". We are a family-oriented group that also does some living history. Do something different! Our unit, based in northern Florida, does this strictly because we enjoy history and enjoy each others company. We are a brand new unit based out of West Virginia, though we will accept members in other areas. We are a family-oriented unit and welcome any and all family members, no matter what their age. is reactivated within but not restricted to the Fort Tejon Historical Association in Southern California. We prefer to portray CS, but are prepared to galvanize when necessary. Annual Conference 2023. The unit is family oriented and the majority do a garrison camp. Art Deco Society of California - Northern California - Themed events around the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s. Civilian and military reenactors who prefer to demonstrate Living History presentations and first person impressions at events, Co.A,3rd Frontier District,33rd Battalion,Texas State Troops, Civil War Reenactments/Living History/Parades/Grave Dedications/Parades.Artillery,Dismounted Cavalry, Infantry, or combination. Revolutionary War Re-Enactors. 8th Confederate Cavalry / 7th Kentucky Cavalry (US), 35th Alabama Infantry & 13th Kentucky Infantry Regiment, 8th Alabama Company I "The Emerald Guard", Second Connecticut Regiment of Volunteers "The Old 19th CVI'', Eighth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, Company A, 24th Iowa Volunteer Regiment Civil War Reenactors, Battery G, Second Illinois Light Artillery, 1st North Carolina Volunteers / 11th North Carolina Regiment & 151st PVI, Southern Nevada Living History Association, Hampton's Battery F Pennsylvania Independent Light Artillery, 3rd Pennsylvania Light Artillery, Battery B, 142nd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Company F, Ferguson SC Artillery Civil War Reenactors, 28th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Company B, 21st Virginia Volunteer Infantry, F Company, 19th Virginia Infantry Company B - The Albemarle Rifles, 33d Regiment - Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, Company E, 3rd Regiment, Confederate Engineers, Carlin's Battery "D" 1st WV Light Artillery. RevWar Progressive a cornucopia of reenactor information. We hope to see you there! Are you? The Federal Generals Corps is a non-political, family oriented organization. Be sure to visit their websites to learn about how you can join the cause and experience the Civil War or just catch up with one at the next event you attend. A quick look at upcoming events for the National Civil War Association and the American Civil War Association shows that there are reenactments scheduled throughout the year, and all over California. The 20th SCVI/13th US is the oldest continuiously active unit in SC. 4th Alabama Cavalry, Co. F (Dismounted/Mounted) - Located in West Central Alabama and members of the 1st Division of Southern Reenactors. Jun 3, 2021. If you are interested please contact me. 42nd Georgia Volunteer Infantry, Company B. Capt. American Civil War Reenactment Groups. We are a union company proudly stationed in the San Francisco Bay area and around Northern California. Union & Confederate camps, Battles scenarios, We are a Civil War Reenactors group baised out of Fremont Nebraska. Member of the 10th battalion A.N.V the best battalion in the A.N.V known for its drills and authenticity. Sasse's Iowa 4th Page, 2nd Kentucky Cavalry, Co. A, Lexington Women and children are welcomed. We are a family friendly organization that serves the mountain region well. Join The Stonewall Brigade today! Politically, Tauszik said, the reenactments tend to be conservative spaces in one of Americas bluest states. Reenactment organization locations are represented as having a "Headquarters". During these violent days, most of the shootings occurred in Texas, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, California, Missouri, and Colorado. We drill, we campaign, we have fun, enough said. The company is based in Eastern Massachusetts, Western Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut and New Hampshire with a focus on events in New England and Eastern New York. A US regular reenacting unit that portrays a skirmish (or sharpshooter) unit. Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases. Not for the kiddies! Glenn W. LaFantasie, a history professor at Western Kentucky University, said baby boomers popularized reenactments after the Civil War's centennial in the 1960s. We do living historys and reinactments in md,pa,va.e-mail me at, Company "E",Confederate States Marines, "The Savannah Marine Guard", Men of the South To Arms! World War 2 Research & Preservation Society: California. We come together for Regional and National Events, The 2nd Missouri Infantry, Company K, CSA is a civil war reenacting unit that portrays Missouri State Guard, Confederate and Union soldiers throughout Missouri and neighboring states. We are always looking for new members. We participate in large and small scale battle reenactments, living history camps and school presentations. We also participate in Campaign events (EBUFU) and have hosted our own events in Vermont. We strive for excellence in bot our appearance and our portrayal. If you need a chaplain, please contact Rev. San Benito County Historical Park 8300 Airline Highway, Tres Pinos CA (1 mile south of Tres Pinos on Hwy 25) Friday, September 16, 2022. This unit has certain specific uniform requirements and will not be for everyone. We are a family-oriented unit that is always looking for prospective recruits. Based in the Rockford, IL Battery G participates in battle reenactments, living history encampments, parades, ceremonies and educational presentations. Co. 'G'. We are family oriented and also do campaign/progressive events. Huntington Beach. While military reenacting is popular in many countries and covering many wars, Civil War Reenacting has been a growing hobby since it began in the 1960's spurred on by the Centennial. These battles and events found a receptive audience, but public interest in reenactments faded by the late 1960s. We are based out of Reno, Nevada and travel to events in Nevada and California. We are always lookin for more men dedicated to the cause. We are a family oriented unit that does Battle Reenactments, Living History and Educational Programs and we are currently recruting Troopers. The largest Federal reenacting unit in northern N.J The 6th New Hampshire Vols. Living history reenacting later grew due to the popularity of the 125th Anniversary . Check out our site for lots more info, Unit Presentation of period worship services, performance of period weddings (in states where authorized), and presentation of persona of Lt.Gen./Bishop Lenodias Polk. But its not just California. The game is Captain Morgan's Revenge. Company K of the 28th Georgia Volunteer Infantry Regiment is a Civil War Reenacting Unit located in Central Florida. We are looking for people to join our unit. OUR PURPOSE: The United States Volunteers, Inc. (USV) provides an association of living history organizations that portray military units and civilian personnel from the period of the American Civil War, in order to perpetuate and extend the knowledge of that period through the medium of living history and reenactments of military battles. We primarily do CS but will do US when called to. Many reenactors enjoy immersing themselves in the period and there just weren't any spectators with smart phones in the 1860's. We also galvanize as the 5th Kentucky Battery, USA. The unit is headquartered in Colorado and commanded by Capt. This is a new regiment so we are on the lookout for new members, the regimental headquarters is located in Dalton Georgia, along with companies B, C, G, H, and I, just like the historical regiment. 4th ALabama Cavalry Company B (dis-mounted). 24th Virginia Field Hospital (Pickett's Division). The purpose of the Federal Generals Corps is to educate the general public about the Civil War period of American History. You can find civil war reenactments all over the country 12 months out of the year. October 1861 - April 18, 1866. Civil War Reenacting is an exciting hobby for the armchair historian, student or serious Civil War enthusiast. We are affiliated member with the 3rd ANV for national events. We are a regiment representing the 157th NYV from Madison and Cortland Counties in NY. Dedciated to the preservation of history, the 1st Kentucky strives to accurately portray the Kentucky Confederate soldier. So join and make this the best unit that ever was and is. Galvanize as 5th Kansas Cav. of living history organizations that portray military units and If you are up to the task, here's some information to get you started. We are an experienced campaigner progressive unit; accurately recreating the Federal heavy artillerymen on campaign.We are seeking to add new recruits, and have members from Eastern PA, NJ, CT and NY. for short time & help you save $, The Muscogee Rifles Co.E 12th Georgia Regiment of Infantry. Members must dress in auth. Calif.), 140th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Co. The Florida Civil War reenactment of the Battle of Olustee includes gun smoke, booming cannons and cavalry at Olustee Battlefield State Historic Park. Officially the First Illinois Volunteer Light Artillery - Battery A. We have a Mountain Howitzer and a Coehorn Mortar. We have been active in reenactmenting for 12 years in NC,SC and VA. We portray Confederate Infantry. The New River Rifles is based out of Southwest Virginia, but has members from all across the Eastern United States, from North Carolina to Ohio and New York. Co-ed Scouting Unit Reenacting Federal/Confederate Signal Service/Medical Corps along with civilian impressions. This unit is being started in remeberance of and in dedication to the memory of Stonewall Jackson,and the men of the 12th Georgia.Help field this unit,one of Jackson's Foot cavalry. Also known as Cameron's Highlanders. We are do mostly reenactments and living histories. We are a new legion just forming looking for anyone intersted in becoming a part of a independent legion and doing events together. 48 in. We are in La,Ms,Tn. This organization focuses on an accurate portrayal of the Federal Cavalry of the Civil War and to help preserve the memory of those men. Accepting new recruits, families welcome! Civil War Reenactment Groups. No matter their size, each civil war reenactment provides a unique opportunity to learn about Americas past. This article is from the California Sun, a newsletter that delivers must-read stories to your inbox each morningfor free. 3. Visit our website for events and info or call Lt. Bob Petrich 708-917-3333. Under Maj. General Wheeler. If you want to ride hard and fight hard, you want to ride with us. Recuriting new members. civilian personnel from the period of the American Civil War, We endeavor to represent the REGULAR US engineer Battalion in the Army of the Potomac. 7th Michigan Cavalry, Co. F / 1st Nevada Cavalry, Troop D. Company F/Troop D is a combination of members from the American Civil War Association and Nevada Civil War Volunteers. We are looking for members from: South-Eastern Minnesota, North-Eastern Iowa, Southern Wisconsin, and Northern Illinois. Living history, film work, Combat reenactment. non-profit donations for the USV A living history and reenactment unit portraying Confederate artillery. Founded in 1983, the National Civil War Association, Inc. is the second oldest continuously existing Civil War reenacting organization in Northern California after the Civil War Reenactors Society. The women stay behind during the battles and cook beans and make bread., The beauty and elaborate detail of the gatherings shine through the photography of Tauszik, who aimed to portray his subjects without judgment or irony. On April 29-30, the Friends of the Confederate Reunion Grounds will host its 23rd annual Civil War Living History and Reenactment at Confederate Reunion Grounds State Historic Site. Family orientated, We portray Co. "C" & Co. "K" Lincoln's Guards also 22nd Va. Co. "K" Fayetteville Rifles C.S.A. Its a period of time that has been cast in this sepia glow., Tauszik, the photographer, cited an additional motivation: reenactments seem like good fun. Join us and help turn back Burnside this September at the 140th Sharpsburg. We are a family oriented unit . We are looking for new members both mounted-infantry-civilain-We are 5 members(mounted) doing what comes best, Raiding U.S. camps, also love the feild fights,kidnapping for exchanges and well you get the point, Hope to hear from ya'll soon. California Historical Group: West Coast WWII Reenacting. The 2nd KY Cavalry is a Confederate re-enactment group based in Southern/Central California. We represent the men, women and children of the Shenandoah Valley during the War Between the States-1861-1865. We are family oriented and we are willing to help the beginner. We are a progressive, family oriented Mess whose main impression is that of an 1860's fire company who formed a militia AFTER the Call To Arms to defend our community. 53rd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Company C, Inc. Company B of the 71st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, 87th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Company C, 97th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Company A, 97th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Co B, 151st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Company D, 10th Virginia Volunteer Infantry Regiment, 12th Virginia Infantry, Companies A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, and K, Co. E of the Second Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, 33d Regiment - Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, Company K, 2nd Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry Association, Company E, 3rd Regiment, Confederate Engineers. Mostly its below the surface, he said of the ideological undertone, but its just below the surface.. Rileys Farm, Oak Glen, California (one of our absolutely favorite places - worth a trip to . Modern reenacting is thought to have begun during the 1961-1965 Civil War Centennial commemorations. This biannual event recreates a winter encampment of the Civil War era, with living history Union and Confederate . The 31st Wisconsin focused on a mid-war impression and are equipped as the original soldiers were. We are dedicated to the preservation of the history of the American Civil War and its impact on frontier expansion. Some of these historical recreations even take place on actual American Civil War battlefields. We are a family oriented unit with members from Northcentral Arkansas and Southcentral Missouri. Currently with around two dozen members (male and female) they take part in regular WW2 based skirmishes and reenactments all over the country. Civil War: Uniforms, US and Confederate Armies, c.1895 Giclee Print. The 1st US Sharpshooters seeks to authentically recreate Company H of the Berdan Sharpshooters, from their conception in 1861 through transfers to the 124th NY and 93rd NY. Fast-growing, authentic mid-Civil War infantry unit participating in several regional and national reenactments each year. North Carolina Company D "The Pee Dee Guards". Civilian living history unit portraying the ladies and gentlemen of the West Side Soldier's Aid Society (1862-1864)and Wisconsin Soldiers' Home (1864-1867). 5th Texas Rangers Co.B has free membership plus has a union side to join as well to join email us today. Member of 5th Division Army of N. Va, Company A of the 54th Pennsylvania Volunteers, members of Birney's Division. We are a progessive unit based in central N.C. we're seeking new recruits 2nd Lt. Michael Hicks commanding Co K. 6th N.C.S.T. Union Artillery U.S. Civil War unit. Its very romantic, Tauszik said. Recruits are wanted. The website of the recreated 1st Maine and all things Maine Cavalry! The California Historical Group. Visit our website to learn more about which states our units are located in. Zouaves, 104th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Company We do an impression of Company D that was recruited out of Maine for the 2nd US Sharpshooters that were known as "Berdans". We also do living history. The 1st Arkansas Confederate Mounted Rifles co K is a Mounted/Dismounted Western Theater Confederate reenactment unit based at Loosahatchie Horse Ranch and Camp in West Tennessee. We occasionally venture 'down South' for some of the major reenactments. The Website is located at: New Company being raised in the Midlands of SC. We welcome existing companies. We are a family oriented, non-profit organization. New unit out of the original area the Dragoons trained at. 7003191500000000000 1915 AD. We are always looking for new recruits. HISTORY. We come from in and around Shelby County. We are the best unit in the ANV!! His ancestor's story comes to life in a fascinating new work that is certain to become a classic among historical novels. We are a Confederate Marine Corps unit based in Georgia. Tauszik shared some of his photographs with the California Sun. Today Civil War Days has expanded to host historical reenactors from all over the United States, attracting tens of thousands of . 8th Confederate Cavalry / 7th Kentucky Cavalry, 3rd Arkansas Volunteer Infantry Company A, 1st Arkansas US Volunteer Infantry Regiment, 2nd Connecticut Volunteer Heavy Artillery Regiment, Co. And 1940s the Trans-Mississippi Theater Division of california civil war reenactment groups reenactors we strive for excellence in our. The Dragoons trained at portrays a skirmish ( or sharpshooter ) unit 5th Division Army of N. Va Company... Sc and VA. we portray Confederate Infantry Battery, napoleans, 12 pounders, ordinance rifles,12lb.. The 1961-1965 Civil War reenactments all over the country 12 months out of American. Northern Virginia is a Civil War Marine Forces Orderly Books Crown Forces Orderly Crown! War and to help preserve the memory of those men the War the! Of Genl group baised out of the year Valley during the War Between the States-1861-1865 Lt. 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