Lassen High Schools varsity girls basketball team has collected nifty league and section titles and competes for a possible Division, The U.S. Copyright 2022 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This would allow the Legislature to determine whether ISUDTP is effectively achieving its goals of reducing SUDrelated deaths, emergencies, and hospitalizations. Specifically, the state legislature has made $2.2 billion in one-time bond funds available for county jail construction. It works to reduce recidivism rates for inmates. Thebudgetyear net increase in expenditures is primarily due to a projected increase in the inmate population, which is partially offset by various decreased costs, such as parolerelated costs. [1] On December 6, 2022, CDCR announced that it will not renew its lease with CoreCivic for the California City Correctional Facility. According to a release, "This ruling allows the Third District Court of Appeals to consider the issues raised in the trial court . All written comments must include the rule number, NCR 22-03, OAL Notice File No. It's also been met by more than 40 district attorney's suing the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitations (CDCR). Increased credit-earning opportunities for all incarcerated persons except the condemned and those serving life without parole sentences: 4,344 incarcerated persons released between September 1 and November 30, 2022 earned an estimated average of 187.5 days of additional credit towards their advanced release date. To qualify for release, prisoners are supposed to earn credits for good behavior under Prop 57, but that often does not appear to be the case. He's doing great, he's working, Pacheco says of her husband, adding that it depends on the person, but she believes change is possible for others who also may be released early in the future. MCC is awarded for successful completion of rehabilitative or educational programs designed to prepare participants to find employment upon release. The administration can submit a request for ongoing resources for legislative consideration as part of the 202425 budget process. Thisdecrease in cost is partially offset by projected cost increases, primarily due to an increase in the number of inmates estimated to need mental health care relative to what was assumed in the 202122 Budget Act. Through inperson and correspondence courses, many inmates obtain associates degrees. Updated statistics showing the impact of these regulations are included below. In a series ofreports, Julie Watts of CBS News revealed the process by which CDCR is releasing prisoners is hidden from the public, arbitrary and dangerous. While the administration indicates it plans to adjust the resources for ISUDTP based on changes in the inmate population beginning in 202324, no adjustment is currently planned for 202223. We note that in 202021one year after ISUDTP was implemented169 of the 431 positions approved for the program in that year were vacant. Yet because his domestic violence conviction did not qualify as a violent crime, the CDCR deemed him qualified for early release. The main changes are: [3] This number excludes incarcerated persons who were eligible for Proposition 36 resentencing but released in other ways (e.g. Only people who appear on the final list will be eligible for expedited release. Since the start of the pandemic, CDCR has implemented several restrictions and operational changes to reduce the spread of the virus within its institutions. This information would allow the Legislature to determine what level of state funding is necessary to the extent it wants to maintain and/or expand bachelors degree programs forinmates. Furthermore, as noted above, the administrations current projections do not account for the effects of Chapter728. For example, the new services the department plans to offer will be evidencebased and therefore likely to be effective if implemented as designed. Proposed Expansion and Modifications Merit Consideration. Approve Funding Associated With Expansion, Reject Funding to Change Supervisor to Staff Ratio. In addition, the proposal could increase the number of inmates who obtain sentencing credits for earning bachelors degrees, which would create state savings from reduced prison sentences. (Based on the limited data available, we estimate that several million dollars of the requested funding is related to changing the supervisor to staff ratio.). Accordingly, it appears that these problems are not significant enough to impact the quality of service provided by HFM. For example, it could take CDCR longer than anticipated to fill the requested 310 positions. MCC is awarded in increments of not less than one week, but no more than 12 weeks, in a 12-month period. 30, 2019Dec. Roles and Responsibilities. Select an EditionApril 7, 2020March 31, 2020March 24, 2020March 17, 2020March 10, 2020March 3, 2020Feb. According to the administration, it plans to adjust the level of resources for ISUDTP annually based on changes in the inmate population beginning in 202324. Release Program Studies and law enforcement notifications of people actually scheduled for expedited release will be provided as required by law through CDCR's normal processes. The rules are on the CDCR website at We recommend that the Legislature require CDCR to provide the final evaluation report resulting from this effort. While these individuals will still be processed for release once cleared, no more eligibility lists will be created. As previously mentioned, CDCR intends to contract with the University of California to evaluate various aspects of ISUDTP. However as Capitol Public Radio pointed out, "No one has been released under the expanded program and officials estimate it will be months or years before that happens." Nor is it automatic. It is managed by the Prison Industry Board, which is composed of 11 members including the Secretary of CDCR, as well as several legislative and gubernatorial appointees. Instead, CDCR used alternative funding sources to establish the programs. 28, 2020Jan. 22, 2019Oct. Despite this, CDCR reports that it has established bachelors degree programs at three additional prisons since the original proposal was withdrawn by using existing funding in its budget associated with vacant positions. "California DAs to CDCR: Explain Early Release of Violent Criminals" "To qualify for release, prisoners are. In addition, about 650 juvenile wards are housed in facilities that are currently operated by CDCRs Division of Juvenile Justice, which includes three facilities and one conservation camp. When fully implemented, the funding would allow CDCR to serve 420 inmates annually, with 180of those inmates being served by newly established programs. Those who demonstrate that their release would not pose an unreasonable risk of violence to the community may be eligible for release upon serving the full term of their primary offense when an alternative sentence has been imposed. For example, a study from the Urban Institute found that in three states recidivism rates were lower for inmates who participated in higher education programs, some of which included bachelors degree programs (after accounting for several factors). Third, the proposal makes various modifications to existing ISUDTP services. Increasing the amount of GCC provides a compelling reason for individuals to positively program, as GCC may be forfeited due to disciplinary action. However, in recent years, CDCR has increasingly had difficulty having adequate classroom space. The expedited releases of eligible individuals with 180 days or less remaining on their sentences began on a rolling basis in July. The motion is a document in which the prisoner explains why they are entitled to early release. In addition, cases have increased recently since Omicron became the prevailing COVID19 variant in California. CDCR Reports Growing Redaction Workload. The department also supervises and treats about 46,200 adult parolees and is responsible for the apprehension of those parolees who commit parole violations. They said they've been able to find between January 2019 and May 20, 2021, in Sacramento County, 4,000 . The Governor proposes $126.6million General Fund and 310positions in 202223 (increasing to $163million and 418 positions annually in 202324) to expand and modify ISUDTP in four key ways. As a designated Second Chance Pell Institution, CSULA was able to receive federal funds to supportthe program. Without this information, it is difficult for the Legislature to determine whether the amount of funding requested is necessary to offer the level of bachelors degree programs proposed by the Governor, including the establishment of three newprograms. According to the department, this is because the funding supporting those programs will no longer be available beginning in 202425 (for the CSULA program) and 202223 (for the three subsequently established programs). But Unclear Whether Level of Funding Requested Is Necessary. The CDCR provided the following statement to KSBY: Written comments about the proposed regulations can be e-mailed through Wednesday to Receiving & Release at Kern Valley State Prison. (When positions approved in the budget go unfilled, the funding received by departments associated with the positionsknown as vacant position fundingis often redirected by departments for other purposes.) Community college classes are available at 33 out of 34 state prisons for inmates who have completed their high school graduation requirement or equivalency. Although some people see this benefit as "going easy" on someone who broke the law, rehabilitation has always proven to be more effective than direct punishment for actions. The Governors budget proposes an $8.6million General Fund augmentation in 202223 (increasing to $10.5million annually in 202324) to CDCR for the HFM program to service additional health care facilities thereby increasing funding for the program from $59million to $67.6million. RAC is awarded to those who complete specified hours of approved self-help and volunteer public service activities. 17, 2019Dec. Specifically, the control section allows the Department of Finance (DOF) to reduce or shift resources between the nine departments, as well as to shift the budgeted resources to other departments, for COVID19related activities, upon tenday notification to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee (JLBC). Given that CDCRs ongoing need for the requested resources for redaction is unclear, we recommend the Legislature approve the proposed positions and funding on a twoyear, limitedterm basis (rather than on an ongoing basis as proposed by the Governor). This brief provides our analysis of several of the Governors major proposals related toCDCRoperations. Withhold Action Until the Department Can Provide Information on Current Program Funding. Accordingly, it is questionable whether CDCR can accommodate the level of space necessary for the proposed expansion. California again allowing early release of violent criminals January 23, 2022 By KAREN VELIE After a temporary halt, a California judge is allowing new regulations that permit two-strike. For example, the department suspended visiting and rehabilitation programs, reduced the density of dormitories by housing some inmates in open areas (such as gymnasiums), and suspended nonurgent health care services. The total points accrued indicate whether a treatment plan needs to be developed to address an inmates need. CalPIA Also Employs Civil Service Custodians. As of January 28, 2022, CDCR has had a total of over 66,000 inmates and 36,000staff contract COVID19 during the course of thepandemic. Lack of Detail on Break Out of Proposed Resources. Under ISUDTP, MAT was made available at all prisons for inmates involved in the program. (These amounts do not reflect anticipated increases in employee compensation costs in 202223 because they are accounted for elsewhere in the budget.) For example, it possible that other actionssuch as additional trainingwould address the identified problems in a more effective and efficient manner. The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) is responsible for the incarceration of certain adult felons, including the provision of rehabilitation programs, vocational training, education, and health care services. Accordingly, to the extent the inmate population or admissions are lower than projected, it would reduce the level resources necessary for the program under the Governors proposal. 14, 2020Jan. The currentyear net decrease in costs is primarily due to (1)the closure of lowsecurity facilities at the California Correctional Institution in Tehachapi and Correctional Training Facility in Soledad due to a decline in the number of inmates who can be housed in such facilities and (2)alower total inmate population relative to what was assumed in the202122 Budget Act. Wenote, however, that the 202122 budget provided $13.7million General Fund (decreasing to $3million in 202324 and ongoing) to expand rehabilitation programs available at Valley State Prison in Chowchilla, including establishing a bachelors degree program. The Sacramento County district attorney's office told ABC10 CDCR has not been transparent. 17, 2019Sept. Watts reported that Sacramento mass shooting suspect Smiley Martin had earlier been denied parole after a fight with a fellow inmate and other criminal activity while behind bars. The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation is proposing to make temporary emergency regulations permanent that expanded early release credits for felons. CDCR holds various types of recordsincluding emails, personnel files, video, and audiorecordingswhich it may be required to release under various circumstances, such as pursuant to the California Public Records Act (PRA) or due to litigation. (ECF No. Increases Number of Custodian Supervisor Positions. For example, CalHR is currently in the process of developing new guidelines on the ratio of custodian supervisors to custodian staff. These programs allow eligible people committed to state prison to serve the end of their sentences in the community, in lieu of confinement in state prison. The California District Attorneys Association (CDAA) wants the prison system (CDCR) to explain why it is releasing violent prisoners who haven't earned sufficient rehabilitation credits early from prison. The public comment period ends on April 13, 2022. However, at the time of this analysis, the department was not able to provide sufficient information to justify the estimated COVID19 direct response costs of $425million in 202223. Governors Proposed Budget. CDCR also began requiring that counselors delivering CBT programs be certified Alcohol and Other Drug counselors, a requirement that was often waived before ISUDTP was implemented. The Governors budget also proposes 54 additional custodian supervisor positions in 202223 (increasing to 72 in 202324). These regulations also include increased credits for individuals in fire camps. These releases allowed CDCR to create space within our institutions, an effort that was vital to mitigating the spread of COVID-19. Through the HFM program, CalPIA provides cleaning supplies, trains inmate custodians to clean health care facilities, and provides oversight and auditing services. California no longer houses incarcerated persons out of state. According to CalHR, the previous guidelines, which recommended 1custodian supervisor to oversee between 8and23custodians, have expired and are no longer ineffect. In addition, we find that the proposed modifications to the program merit consideration. The CDCR has had these regulations in place for 10 months as "emergency" measures which avoided meaningful public participation in this significant policy change. Various Factors Could Limit Ability to Expand ISUDTP. 3769/7423 (Jan. 18, 2022).) At the time of this analysis, CDCR was not able to provide sufficient information to fully justify the estimated COVID19 direct response costs. North Kern State Prison Officials Investigating the Death of an Incarcerated Person as a Homicide. They can also earn extra credit on top of that for being in programs, qualifying even earlier to be released. EMC is awarded for completion of high school diploma or equivalency programs, higher education degrees, or the Offender Mentor Certification Program (OMCP). About the California District Attorneys Association The California District Attorneys Association is a statewide training and advocacy organization representing elected district attorneys, city attorneys with criminal divisions, and more than 3,500 prosecutors. Enter your email address to subscribe to Lassen News and receive notifications of new posts by email. to people housed in restricted housing. Expansion Reasonable, but Additional Supervisors Appear Unnecessary. We find that the proposal has merit. 8, 2019Oct. CalPIA Trains and Pays Inmate Workers to Clean Facilities. While we find that the proposal is promising, the department has not provided information on why the funding currently supporting four of the existing bachelors degree programs will no longer be available. CONREP - DSH's Conditional Release Program - is a statewide system of community based services which treats patients with the following commitment types: Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity, Incompetent to Stand Trial, Mentally Disordered Offenders, and some parolees who have been released to outpatient status. Increased credit-earning opportunities for all incarcerated persons except the condemned and those serving life without parole sentences: Determinately-sentenced nonviolent offender parole process: Indeterminately-sentenced nonviolent offender parole process: Contracting for additional in-state capacity in county jails, community correctional facilities, private prison(s), and reduction of out-of-state beds: Expanded medical parole process for medically incapacitated incarcerated persons: Parole process for elderly incarcerated persons: Incarcerated Persons Released Under Proposition 36, Office of Public and Employee Communications (OPEC), A prisoner requests parole by filing a motion for early release. 24, 2019Sept. The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) is committed to incentivizing incarcerated people to participate in rehabilitative programs and positive activities, and to commit to sustained good behavior. The proposal assumes federal funds would be accessible to most participating inmates and estimates that participants will be enrolled on a fulltime basis at a cost of about $10,000per inmate. Accordingly, it seems implausible that the average daily inmate population will reach112,900 in 202223 due to the jail backlog as assumed in the Governors budget. As of January12,2022, CDCR housed about 99,110adult inmates in the states prison system. 23, 2019Dec. As shown inFigure1, the average daily inmate population is projected to be 112,900 inmates in 202223, an increase of about8,300 inmates (8percent) from the estimated currentyear level. As discussed in detail earlier in this brief, the projection of the inmate population for 202223 as assumed in the Governors budget is likely to be revised downward at the May Revision. Expanding Higher Education Is Promising The Governors proposal to expand access to higher education opportunities is promising because various studies show that higher educationwhen well designed and implemented effectivelyreduces the number of offenders who recidivate (or reoffend) and that the resulting correctional savings can more than offset program costs. Based on our discussions with the administration, this was likely driven by an assumption that admissions to prison would be higher between July and December 2021 than they actually were. 2766/5060 & 2767/5061.) That means if you're sentenced to 10 years for domestic violence, you could get out after three years and four months, Dow said. For example, the CSULA programthe first program to be establishedwas a recipient of a philanthropic grant and obtained federal designation as a Second Chance Pell Institution. These new credits for good behavior have been in place since May of 2021 as emergency measures. In 2016, the voters of California passed Proposition 57, also known, in relevant part, as the Parole for Non-Violent Criminals Initiative. For example, the CBT programs CDCR offers as part of SUD treatment are intended to help individuals identify and adjust their thought processes regarding substance use to avoid future use. In addition, the proposal will likely need to be revised to account for a lower inmate population and changes in pandemic conditions. According to CalPIA, additional custodian supervisors are necessary to (1)oversee the services in the additional health care facilities that the HFM program would service under the Governors proposal and (2)adhere with the guidelines previously issued by CalHRand now expiredon the ratios of supervisors to custodians. Comments must include the rule number, NCR 22-03, OAL Notice File No. 2838/5278), and have submitted 82 reports since then. Marsh was just days shy of his 16th birthday at the time of the double homicide. In view of the above, we recommend that the Legislature only approve the funding necessary for the HFM program to expand into new health care facilities and reject the funding necessary to change the ratio of custodian supervisors to civil service and inmate custodians. The department intends to contract with the University of California to evaluatevarious aspects of ISUDTP in the future. For example, the administration indicates that it plans to adjust the projections and associated budget requests to account for the estimated effects ofChapter728 of 2021 (SB483, Allen), which requires resentencing of individuals to lesser terms to reflect the elimination of certain sentencing enhancements. We will continue to monitor CDCRs population and make recommendations based on the administrations revised population projections and budget adjustments included in theMay Revision. As of December 14, 2022, the States adult prison population is 90,809, occupying 110.8 percent of design capacity. Some individuals may not be immediately eligible for release (as matters such as COVID-19 tests or Offender with a Mental Health Disorder screenings may delay release). According to CalPIA, neither the federal Receiver (who oversees the delivery of medical care in prisons) or the Office of the Inspector General (the agency responsible evaluating medical care in prisons) have raised concerns with the services provided by the HFM program. 1. & Rehabilitation, California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Announces the Planned Closure of Chuckawalla Valley State Prison (Dec. 6, 2022), Given the possibility that the inmate populationand corresponding need for ISUDTP fundingmay be lower than currently projected, we recommend the Legislature direct CDCR to provide a revised ISUDTP proposal at the May Revision that is adjusted to reflect updated projections of the inmate population.