AfghanistanWhere Faith Is a Matter of Life and Death. As the coronavirus swept the United States in the spring, several prophets issued public assurances that it would decline by Passover; Cindy Jacobs, one of the most influential American. It was the choice land. A handful of other prophets are apologizing, including Kris Vallotton, the resident prophet at Bethel Church in Redding, Calif., a major fixture in the NAR movement. Back Next. Brown was one of the few in the movement who sounded an early alarm that the prophets could be wrong when he published a cautionary Dec. 15 essay in So keep this in mind as we Bill Wiese, the author of the New York Times best-selling book "23 Minutes in Hell," has a staunch warning for universalists who believe everyone will go to heaven. This is not only for the U.S. but will occur worldwide. This includes peace as a weapon. Cindy Jacobs is an author, speaker and teacher with a heart for discipling nations in the areas of prayer and prophetic gifts. We are called to be overcomers. Watch for more ways in which China will gain access to the U.S.A. through kickbacks, election-tampering, and sabotage. Businesses that have struggled will have their breakthrough. Again, over 10 years ago, the Lord showed us an alliance of Russia/China/Iran would form as an axis power in a war. However, the bear and the dragon will come to odds against each other if we pray. No wonder the world doesnt believe us.. Lets get on social media and attack the prophets. We are in the end times, and this world is not our home. Our guests will be internationally. This dragon has an insatiable appetite to be a ruling empire. Provisions are coming for Gods people. This article first appeared on Curt Landry Ministries. In fact, there is an empire spirit or spirit of dominion that is on the move. 2023 RSJI Summit: Community Day Livestream, WitchCon Online 2023: A Livestream Magical Conference, Hallmark Foundation: National Care Conference Livestream & On Demand, Botox Training - LiveStream/Online Training, Mesotherapy Training - LiveStream/Online Training, Housing Land Advocates 2023 Annual Conference (Livestream), Dermal Filler Training - LiveStream/Online Training. In Epiphanytide invites us to reflect on the role of religious freedom and religious literacy in Christs manifestation to the world. Cindy earned her B.A. The nations are shaking, but God hasa word for you thatwill give us the blueprint for our future. Cindy Jacobs One primary manifestation of this revival will be in the Middle East in nations, such as Sudan, who have aligned with Israel. Mens Hearts will Grow ColdFor men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self- control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,(2Timothy 3:2-4; NKJV)Even in the midst of great moves of God, the contrasts between good and evil will become more apparent. You should receieve a confirmation email shortly. A day of reckoning has come for modern-day "prophets" in the Pentecostal/charismatic movement who falsely foretold a victory for President Trump in 2020. As an artist, Cindy loves to dabble in graphic arts and calligraphy and thinks that designing . The God of Peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.(Romans 16:20; NASB)THE GLORY AWAKENINGThe amount of glory that we are going to see released in this new era after the reset, will come in suddenlies. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. Share UI/UX Global Summit'23 with your friends. Generals International (GI) is a prayer-based organization founded by Mike and Cindy Jacobs in 1985 that exists for the purpose of changing lives and transforming nations. His Line of Fire talk show now includes warnings against folks like Kerr and Kunemann, who he said prophesy falsely on a Jan. 11 broadcast. A Year of Great Contrasts. August 2021. Cindy is a Core Faculty Professor at the Wagner University. A post shared by Scottie Scheffler (@scottie.scheffler). When we were founded 23 years ago, we agreed to release words that we have consensus. Julia Duin is a veteran journalist who has worked as an editor or reporter for five newspapers, has published six books and has masters degrees in journalism and religion. The whole earth is groaning. And lets draw the sword on one another, said the Rev. "Last November when [evangelist] Cindy Jacobs had her meeting in Dallas, none of the prophets at that meetingand it was the elite who were therenone of them hinted that anything like the coronavirus was coming," Melton said. We may even avert them as we pray. No rubber prophecy.. This compilation of Words that came out of that time together may not be for the year 2021, but may be for a season of time extending beyond the boundaries of our earthly calendar. (OPINION) Conservative Christians propose that the final day of Trumps campaign to overturn President Bidens Electoral College victory involved religious "heresy" or "apostasy." This will be the harvest of souls and the coming together of disconnected people around the table. Their signatures are attached. Family unity is going to be restored. However, we have chosen, according to the Acts 13:1-3 model, to only write in this record words that the "Holy Spirit" has said which we all agree upon. Get Charisma's best content delivered right to your inbox! Through her journeys, Cindys heart has remained fixed on the realization that Jesus left the ninety-nine to go after the one. As Gatekeepers of Prayer, we cannot allow this to occur. Each leader brings a unique mantle of anointing to impart. The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet" (Rom. So we came into the elections with a bit of a black eye. World War III is going to take place in the future. Unlike the revival at Asbury University in Kentucky this month, the Holy Spirit has been working on the campus of Texas A&M University Corpus Christi for quite some time now. As big a threat that Islam has been to the world, Communism is actually a greater threat in this era.A Chinese Pearl Harborhas taken place. Those who believe and apply this convergence of prophecy will triumph. In the U.S., this will be manifested and seen in government structures as some become more godly and others turn away deeper and farther from God. Wars and Rumors of WarsWatch China very carefully. SEATTLE A day of reckoning has come for modern-day prophets in the Pentecostal/charismatic movement who falsely foretold a victory for President Trump in 2020. For years, this council has met together to seek the face of God for a c He (God) assured me in 2015 that Trump would sit in the White House for eight years, she said. This book is your prophetic commissioning to take your place in God's imminent plan for mighty revival! Psalm 23 will be a very significant scripture passage for the days ahead: The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want. Some will plant gardens. Be sure to visit our websitefor more information andto view an updated list of speakers. The explanation is that we will see blessings in the midst of turmoil. Bounty in the hands of Gods children will be a sign and wonder to many. Cindy Jacobs is a renowned prophet to the nations with a heart that burns for revival and reformation. He prepares a table for me in the presence of my enemies.. President Mark Walker Explains Revival at Lee University Its amazing what is beginning to happen on our college Former Satanist John Ramirez has been on a mission to expose the kingdom of darkness since he gave his life to Jesus. 2023 Charisma Media, All Rights Reserved. The first was during a prophetic summit last year. Save UI/UX Global Summit'23 to your collection. The ministry of deliverance through people called to it will once again be front and center in the church. When you turn off your phone, it goes black and comes back on with updates and changes. Getting out of debt is important. I am aware of those who are still hoping for a January 20th miracle, she said, but no one in the Texas church circles I am in is professing that, claiming that, or even bringing it up so it seems fringe from where I am. (OPINION) The latest bid to shape public perceptions of the concept of Christian nationalism is a 63-page Report on Christian Nationalism and the January 6 Insurrection, issued last month by the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty and the Freedom From Religion Foundation. She describes her call to the nations as "an inverted homesickness," while she has strong bonds with her two children and six grandchildren back home in Dallas, she has a constant yearning to minister to unreached people globally. The On June 30, 2022, someone named Robert posted this comment on our ministry's YouTube channel: "Why would anyone in the 21st century give a [expletive] what illiterate desert dwellers from 2000 years ago thought about anything?" These friendships will provide "nets for harvest." The prophets called for emergency preparedness. The council is comprised of such prophetic voices as Cindy Jacobs, James Goll, Chuck Pierce and many anointed others. | Many people are asking what the Lord is saying for the new year. As the body of Christ drinks deeply of the Word of God, revelation will flow to show the directions we need to take in our lives. -- He yelled as loud as He possibly could, Justice will prevail.. Prophetic intercession is an important part of our meetings as we both hear from the Lord and intercede. One year, it was that the European Union was going to fragment. Watch China very carefully. "ACPE (Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders) Word of the Lord for 2020Cindy Jacobs, Red Oak, TX Joyful Increase 2019 was the year for joyful increase. Johnson is part of a modern-day movement known as the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) that believes that biblical-style apostles and prophets exist today and are meant to guide the church. Charisma News - Informing believers with news from a Spirit-filled perspective, Churches Across America Profoundly Impacted by Asbury Revival, Cindy Jacobs, Chuck Pierce and Others Prophesy Significant Words for 2023, Click here to subscribe to the Charisma News newsletter. There is calling to use as weapons of warfare all the previous words given through the years. God loves the Chinese and the Russian people. In this timely work, she steps into her office as a prophetic general, calling revived. Angelic hosts are being released to assist us as we war on earth and they war in the heavens. This includes Faith over FearMens hearts will fail from fear, but God will cause His remnant of overcomers, who have learned to stand on the Word with faith and not fear, to overcome. This includes Peace as a WeaponWe will walk in a new level of peace that will be a weapon against distress! (ANALYSIS) Without merit. Mere speculation and conjecture. Gossip and innuendo. Wholly unreliable. Implausible. Hazy and nebulous. Thats how judges responded to 61 election lawsuits filed by Trumps legal teams. Prophetic intercession is an important part of our meetings as we both hear from the Lord and intercede. The reset button has been pushed, and it will create a stark contrast to what has been. We have given previous warnings about a possible civil war on U.S. soil and we are seeing the groundwork for that being laidbut God! There was an admonition given not to let the enemy feed our fears, but to trust in God for our well-being. So, we are now living in what has been reset. That was before the events we have recently begun to witness. Author. ITS TIME TO STAND!The remnant church will take a stand against evil coming against them both personally and corporatelyand will win! There was an admonition given not to let the enemy feed our fears, but to trust in God for our well-being. An annual convergence of seasoned and emerging prophetic voices from across 50 nations and a rich atmosphere of worship, prophetic ministry, and impartation, the Word of the Lord for the next season will be released, and you will be empowered as you receive the mantles o The Global Prophetic Summit. More exposures will take place inbothpolitical parties. (OPINION) According to the script of "FBI: Most Wanted," Jan. 6, 2021, was most certainly an insurrection. Privately and on social media, these prophets and their thousands of followers are slugging it out in an orgy of self-blame, recriminations and fantastical hopes that somehow before Jan. 20, God will bring about a victory for Trump. Many NAR prophets foretell vague events that are hard to disprove, Melton said, but the specificity of these election prophecies are impossible to live down. Ive been called the servant of Satan and spawn of Baal because I caved and am not standing with the prophets, Brown said. December 16, 2021 By Janet Leboutillier. that later correspond to events or have uncanny insights into people's lives are seen to have the "gift of prophecy." . We are seeing the prophetic beginning of the Isaiah 19 highway forming before our eyes. Ephesians 6:13, "Having done all, therefore stand." And what the Lord said to me was, "There is a convergence of all the prophetic words given in the past." No major prophetic voices said the COVID crisis was coming and then when some of them prophesied that it would end in April and it didnt no one apologized. | By Cindy Jacobs | Facebook Log In Forgot Account? With the embers of revival fire spreading to more college campuses, students at Asbury University are filled with the renewing power of the Holy Spirit and sharing what the Lord has taught them. 149K followers. THE DAYS OF NOAHIt is now as in the Days of Noah, but God will enable us to stand with five words that all start with a P! 1) Protection 2) Provision 3) Preservation 4) Presence 5) PromiseFor those of us who are standing on the promises, we will experience protection, provision, and the other ones listed, and triumph in the days ahead. Save Housing Land Advocates 2023 Annual Conference (Livestream) to your collection. Events you might like. We sat down with Pastor Tammy Hotsenpiller to talk about the key element often missing Back in the 1970s, I used to bowl on Friday nights. Others will physically relocate to areas where a Goshen is already established. Box 39222 Charlotte, NC 28278 (704) 943-6500 info (at) and Messianic Vision P.O. (OPINION) This season of Epiphany, which we are now in, affords us the opportunity to honor Christs manifestation and ministry in the world. More exposures will take place in both political parties. Prophetic Dateline - The Word for 2021! It will, in fact, escalate. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. Angelic hosts are being released to assist us as we war on earth, and they war in the heavens. We cannot forget that we are being trained to reign for eternity. The amount of glory that we are going to see released in this new era after the reset, will come in "suddenlies". It is not that these shakings are not already happening, but the frequency will escalate, including volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and the like. This is perhaps even more relevant in light of the Capitol violence last week. Following are snippets of the top stories posted over the past week The whole earth is groaning. This was a spill over from the war in Ukraine. One other apology has come from the Rev. 147 following. Share 2023 RSJI Summit: Community Day Livestream with your friends. Global Prophetic Summit 2022. One primary manifestation of this revival will be in the Middle East in nations, such as Sudan, which have aligned with Israel. The explanation is that we will see blessings in the midst of turmoil. Nothing can be done.. A cursory knowledge of Scripture, of the milk of the Word, will simply not be enough to release you into what God wants to show you. Well, regardless of whether or not that is true, the fact remains that Joe Biden is now confirmed as the president-elect. Shop our collection of Alibris Books Books online and get free shipping on $49+ orders! Pierce, the president of Global Spheres, Inc., an "apostolic, prophetic ministry" located in Corinth, Texas, joined fellow "respected prophet" Cindy Jacobs for a Facebook discussion last Thursday, where he revealed that God had "stopped the whole world" in 2020 just for him. Cindy Jacobs. We will walk in a new level of peace that will be a weapon against distress. " For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. We are in the end-times and this world is not our home. There will be a release of glory and, not unlike in the book of Acts, there will be resistance to the moves of God. Those who believe and apply this convergence of prophecy will triumph!Lets stand on the promises of Gods Word together and see the Glory Awakening Arise in Jesus Great Name!Having Done All We Stand!Cindy Jacobs with James W. Goll and the ACPE, 21 DAYS TO REVERSE THE CURSE OVER AMERICA. Cindy Jacobs is a respected prophet who travels the world ministering not only to crowds of people, but also to heads of nations. Cindy Jacobs and . Another was about the Suddenlies. As big a threat that Islam has been to the world, communism is actually a greater threat in this era. In this timely work, she steps into her office as a prophetic general, calling revived believers to take their place as supernaturally-empowered agents for societal change. Cindy Jacobs is the cofounder, along with her husband, Mike, of Generals International, formerly known as Generals of Intercession. At least 40 charismatic Christian leaders predicted Trumps reelection starting around 2018, according to J. Gordon Melton, 78, the venerable compiler of the Encyclopedia of American Religions and an American religious studies professor at Baylor University. To contact us or to submit an article, click here. Many people have exhorted me not to apologize, he said in a Jan. 7 YouTube video, insisting that I was right, that Trump actually won and the election was stolen. Back to Cindy Jacobs. People are speaking words without accountability, said Michael Brown, a leader in a 1990s movement known as the Brownsville Revival and author of the 2018 book Playing with Holy Fire: A Wake-Up Call to the Pentecostal-Charismatic Church. Cindy helps people walk in the ministry of prophetic intercession, equipping them to pray effectively for their families, cities, and nations. Sometimes in our lives, we have a lot of true things that happen to us that can cause our emotions to go down. Cindy is married to Mike Jacobs, they have two children, Daniel and Mary Madison, and six grandchildren. I truthfully never realized how absolutely triggered and ballistic thousands and thousands of saints get about Donald Trump.. Thu, Nov 11, 2021, 7:00 PM Sat, Nov 13, 2021, 10:00 PM CST. 21 DAYS TO REVERSE THE CURSE OVER AMERICA. (Note: While the teams were in Wales, a bomb fell in Poland that could have started WW3. As a prophet and a teacher, I talk a lot about the . Prayer teams had already independently planned to go to Taiwan and Wales, to the school that Rees Howells founded to pray about war. We have lost ministry partners every hour and counting. Prophetic messages from respected leaders & news of how God is moving throughout the world. For all these things must happen, but the end is not yet. Others include Los Angeles pastor and spiritual coach Shawn Bolz (who also prophesied last Feb. 28 that COVID-19 would die down quickly). Worship will be both a weapon of war and the means to not become battle-fatigued in this season.There is calling to use as weapons of warfare all the previous Words given through the years. Since Jan. 7, I personally have been called a betrayer, a false prophet, a traitor, faithless and some have said they found me disgusting, he said. Cindy Jacobs is a renowned prophet to the nations with a heart that burns for revival and reformation. Another important part of this will be the restoration of hospitality, where believers invite non-believers to dine with them in their homes. There will be famines, epidemics, and earthquakes in various places. Stay up-to-date with current issues, Christian teachings, entertainment news, videos & more. The Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders was convened 22 years ago under the leadership of C. Peter Wagner and steered by Cindy Jacobs of Generals International. On the first Sunday since a pro-Trump insurrectionist mob sieged the U.S. Capitol, pastors offered comfort and some rebuke to their congregations concerned for the future of American democracy. Jeremiah Johnson, a Charlotte, North Carolina-based prophet who said Trump would win in 2020, admitted on January 7 that he was wrong and said he got "multiple death threats" and "thousands" of . Religion Unplugged56 BroadwayNew York, NY 10004, Religion Unplugged is a production of The Media Project and a member of the Institute for Nonprofit NewsEIN: 83-0461425site design by Peter Freeby, The Charismatic Christians Prophesying Trump's Victory (And Not Backing Down), The History Behind The Christian Flags Spotted At The Pro-Trump U.S. Capitol 'Coup', Catholic Leaders Condemn Capitol Riot With Rare Display Of Patriotism, 'We Must All Repent': Pastors Address Their Flocks After Capitol Siege, This Story: Charismatics Are At War With Each Other Over Failed Prophecies Of Trump Victory, Religious Freedom Is Central To The Epiphany (And Condemns The Capitol Violence), Flags, Faith And Fury: Christian Nationalism On Display In U.S. Capitol Riot, Christians And The Conspiracy Theories That Helped Fuel The Capitol Mob, Mike Lindell Falsely Claims New Election Fraud Proof On The Eric Metaxas Show, How Evangelical Media Ministry Focus On The Family Fueled Lies And Insurrectionists. 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