He loved Layne more than anything, I think even more than Courtney sometimes (Courtney as you all know was Jerrys on off gf.) Its just talk. And things like that. Like I said, Ill pray for you and hopefully god will lift you up. Staley's body was discovered on April 19, 2002. From the same photo shoot as the picture . In spite of all the rumors he WAS clean. Greetins from Brazil!:). Then bring on the lying to hide it from everyone who loves you, bring on the HORRIBLE shame and actual disgust for yourself for turning into everything you had always looked down on or at least never thought youd become..a junkie. Youve lived through so much loss and heartache, and youre still there for the real fans, speaking the truth. She was the "it" girl in Seattle in the early 90s and anyone who knew her and the club scene at the time I doubt would argue with me on that.". One of his friends told him that hed had an image of Layne trapped in an airplane as it filled with smoke (what a thing to say!) They werent dating at the time, just sharing the apartment. {{#message}}{{{message}}}{{/message}}{{^message}}Your submission failed. Their friends warned against it, rehab for both many times. Marital Status: Single Beautiful memorial and thank you Kathleen..it truly means a lot to those of us who hold them dear to our hearts. I wasnt even sure where to post this comment but whatever. Now I see it selling online for $200!! I hope they are in peace and my prayers are with the family and friends. As for the book both Mike and Layne told me they wanted to sue her because it was full of lies. Its so sad that two talented people lost their innocent lives to the demons of drugs. You have to completely get away from your environment you used in like the whole city you gotta find all new friends and you need to want it more then anything else!! -Jesse, I came across this website a few days ago, and I have to admit that this is wonderful.thank you so much Barbara Darin and Mom Kathleen for sharing her memories with us! Id love to know more about her in her younger years before she went out with Layne. Im her age, a Seattle native and recently lost my sister to heroin. Geez pretty uncomfortable and geeky but thats why I loved them they were so far from what you would imagine a rock star would be like.. just normal guys who had normal insecurities. RIP Layne and Demri." Demri Parrott died on October 29, 1996. Kathleen will verify the full name thing too. To be honest Leah.. Haha! Murphy, and Christa Dougherty (step-sister)) Have you read David de Solas book on Alice in Chains? Enjoy the site and remember the point is to remember those who have DIED due to this reason. I know they seem crazy and all, but I have heard peoples stories on YouTube about how veganism, particularly the type that involves mostly raw fruits (unprocessed raw produce is key) changed their lives. Again thank you. At that point, Staley had already been to rehab after an intervention. He drove around town for a while after that not even aware that Demri was dying in the passenger seat. Tell them you love them every chance you get! , Hi, It changes the chemistry in your brain and you become to where you can not experience joy or happiness with out it and it takes YEARS for your brain to recuperate and those are some pretty sad years where your brain does not function properly. She had been in and out of the hospital a lot, and I am sure her mother did everything she could to help her. I think the Laynes Place being referred to was the Ward Street house they both lived in with both of their stuff. Anyways, I can imagine what Layne and his girl were going through when people you thought were your friends are either with you or against you and the others are there because your famous and providing whatever you need. Mike met with her because when Layne got mad she refused his calls so Mike did it to tell her off and because he wanted to find out why he was ejected from the band and figured it was from Melinda and Sean breaking up. or Tracy Johnson.. all of them can be found on my Facebook friends list. I was iving heroin for 8 years when i suddenly came down with what i thought was the flu. You can read more about her on her FB tribute page. After that, I dont think he wanted to go on.. Believe me because I know. I do not believe and I do not disbelieve. Ya I mess up and say it (we had nicknames) but also it was to motivate her to add a little fuel under her butt and remember she had a purpose for being here. So sorry to hear about your Dad too and believe me I understand how easy it is to go back to the only thing we know made us numb again. SORRY, but no one Ive known has ever STAYED clean for someone elses sake, because theyve been shamed or guilt tripped into getting clean. He was 34 at the time. I dont think that her and Layne had a healthy relationship and I dont think it should be idealised. Think about it like this who could write a book about you? The talent and beauty he had surrendered to drug addiction and the rest was due to depression due to his drug use so all of it was due to heroin. What a true tragedy heroin addiction is. She had her friends, and Layne, who made sure someone was always there to look after her. Jerry always had this I told you so thing going on. Marilyn Monroe. Same symptoms. His last public performance with the band was 2 years before Demris death and he battled with drug issues. I am thinking more of teens I have been watching grow up from their young years. On drugs and needing the klonapin I am sure she didnt discourage his feelings but more so she didnt want to hurt his feelings. Your site was the most helpful then, and continues to help those of us wanting to learn more about Layne & Dem. She was born Feb. 22, 1969, in Bremerton. I bumped into this web site and it was a very nice memorial for Layne and Demri. Was she brought to this career choice based on struggles in her own life? I know I made a big mistake when I started using this shit. But, how did it happen? Following his death in 2002, Screaming Trees frontman told Rolling Stone, "He never recovered from Demri's death. They were eventually engaged to be married. I find it hard to believe. It has been very therapeutic for me over the years and it has helped to keep Demris memory alive and has introduced her name to so many who never knew who she was which was my original goal. Mara one of Dems good friends name was Mara! I moved thousands of miles away, he changed his email address and, though we spoke on the phone a few times since then it was only about little things. At that point, once the pig valve is in place, and so many surgeries, and pain, she continues to go for the drugs to soothe and medicate her misery. Thank you Ana and yes addiction destroys your body Thank you for bringing that up. I just look forward to hearing from someone. Do you know that the book about Mike Starr on Amazon is like $100 bucks? Kurt Cobain short-circuited death by heroin with a shotgun blast to the head in 1994. Sure, that might work for a short while but ultimately addicts need more incentives in their life then how someone else feels and those two things shame and guilt can also completly back fire on family members who always seem to try this route too and it will just cause their addict to go deeper and farther into their addiction and they may begin to isolate themselves emotionally and physically away from the people who made them feel that way because they dont wanna let them down anymore or let them see the disgusting mess they know theyve become.. so theyll just remove themselves from their lives instead.. breaking everyones hearts including their own. And did you ever see Mad Season play live? I have some copies of her poetry. I am an addict and have been for years. Today the site received a comment from Demri's Mom Kathleen which is so special . It seems that Demri and Layne took pleasure in hurting one another until it got to be too much. This drug is so powerful and addicting that people will keep using even when theyre slowly killing themselves, ruining their lives and hurting the people they love the most! It seems like Demri was homeless, staying here and there. I completely understand this, and I dont expect that everyone should like her, nor do I wish to make her into an angel or saint; she wasnt. Then, two things changed. Jerry would make these stupid, hazily spiteful remarks like were standing by Layne and I love him anyway. Who wants to be loved anyway? And the thing was that Layne was really bouncing back at this time. She had an amazing confidence which shines through in her modelling pictures and her pieces of writing. Very little is known of Demri Parrott, except that she was practically worshiped by her fianc, Layne Staley. I hated that no one knew who she was. Thats where all the gangrene rumors started. I try to not let bad things that happen to me in life to drive me to get high. Tags: A google search for Demri and Layne brought me here at last. I know many Alice In Chains fans dislike her because she got Layne into heroin. For all she claimed she wanted to be known as Demri, not Layne's girlfriend, she rode that and took whatever she could from it. Ive read/heard about that name (Demri Parrot) since the late 90s but never really felt the urge to check out her bio until recently. Staley was found dead, toothless and weighing only 86 pounds, in his Seattle apartment in 2002. Im not jumping on this now just because our wonderful Layne is gone as much as because of the conjecture. She was perfect just the way she was, Demri could pull of any look and this picture is a great example of her versatility as a model. Ive been writing on this website now for at least 4-5 years and before that I would write about my memories on my personal blogs (Divageekdesigns.com and ibdreamy.livejournal.com) when I was missing them or whateverbut those posts got so much attention.. over the years that I finally decided to create a website dedicated to them. Thanks for all you are sharing. I did not see anything from anyone on Thursday Oct 29 2015 about demri I guess everyone forgot. And I have a life too. Christy the drug dealer lived behind the QFC and so did Paris. Sure looks like Demri. There are also more happy and nice memories here that focus more on the positive aspects! (Jeffrey Mayer/WireImage). But Demri did start using drugs again, and instead of asking her to leave, because then she would really be in trouble, Layne took a hike. It speaks volumes about this site that a guy sitting in his living room in Iceland in 2017, can read through it and feel as if he were a fly on the wall in all these parties and gatherings. Hope you write that book about the two of them and/or those times! Since both Staley and Cobain were smackheads and ran with the same musicians, the assumption was he might know something. It took Layne Staley, Alice in Chains' lead singer, a while longer to kill himself with a speedball. There is a girl in the right hand corner, she turns right then left while looking behind her. Thanks for posting that. Addiction is no joke, I go to med school so I spend a lot of time in the hospital and its just awful what being addicted to something does to people. Hopefully its still like that because its important that addicts be able to call for help without worrying theyre gonna go to jail. I too lost a sister. I cant get it to paste & post, but at least the other two are still here However so. She was so young, so beautiful the tragic muse, a fairy. In my experience the Demri info isnt accurate. Let their legacy be one of art and discovery, friendship and love. A painting of Demri and Layne was featured on the cover of the Mad Season album.. Mad Season "Above" Album Cover Based On Photo Of Layne Staley And . I think about 95% of it had to do with shame over what he had become. If youre saying to yourself Ahh.. She wasnt making a lot of money back then, but she did manage to get a lot of his. They both deserved better. My mother overdosed and died 2 years before Layne. Unconditional love? All the pain and suffering when their lives could have been filled with so much love and happiness. But I hope that you will. I never met him, but thats according to people who did. Again not blaming if we knew then what we know now. It is heartbreaking and doesnt seem fair. It was even sadder when we found out Mike Starr was the last to see him and saw that he was in troublebut Layne wouldnt let Mike call 911now hes dead, too. But Demri seemed to live an existance of from here to there, no where to run, but her mom had a home waiting just for her. Staley's girlfriend, Demri Lara Parrott, started shooting smack and Alice in Chains got famous. also if you look up Demri Parrott Dave Hillis, theres a pic of her in not great condition soon before she passed. But like Demri i have a death sentence hanging over my head because my heart could fail at any time. She adopted Parrott as her surname after her mother, Kathleen A. Austin married Stephen John Parrot. People just want to feel happiness again. Barbara couldnt answer that either, and I thank her for her response on a previous post. 2 years after they were engaged and about 6 years since they began dating, the former couple split. She was really sweet and really cool. Shed stay a few nights. Then I read this post and it all made sense who this Koa is and what her role might have been in their lives. I caught myself thinking about her even when I was in a relationship. Not only am I a fan, but I have become intrigued by Laynes life due to having a 21 year old son, who in many ways, reminds me of Layne. William DuVall later replaced Staley and Duff McKagan joined on rhythm guitar. But I guess thats the nature of celebrity. May your familys hearts be at ease and protected. Things were mellow, Layne was doing really well. (Just noticed this now.) but I cant help but wonder if he had stayed living there, if things wouldve been a lot better for Layne He wouldve have isolated himself in his ivory tower and died the way he did. When young, we all do crazy, risky things, especially in the early 90s. I know youve lost several, so hard to take, but your only daughter was trying to teach unconditional love for everyone. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBZm-_6Qa3k, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LL29f0AehNI, Oh Barbara, I was just waitting for your confirmation but now im very disappointed:( But anyway thank you very much for this site. i hope all the people who shared their stories here are doing well and i pray for those who have lost their battles and for their families as well. Yes, I like both men and women. One Day Ay A Time. I do think that Demri deserves more appreciation in her own right, though. Im grateful to be 19 years clean and sober and also I stopped before my body got thrashed ( although coke alcohol and pot were my drugs of choice, not heroin). Is it possible to be Demri on the left? I dont wanna see people anymore and its nobodys business but mine.. There's a lot of information about Demri and interviews with family and friends. If you go onto Facebook you will find a number of groups dedicated to the memory of Layne. Courtney Love, center, tried to chase down Staley following the death of Kurt Cobain (r.), to see if he might've known something about the mysterious circumstances surrounding Cobain's death. Demri counted on Layne & others to help, & they did. I know Im near death, Staley continued. That Jerry just wanted to keep Layne well so he could keep the band together. Death is forever and you are needed in this world. I also have been a person who had/has major responsibilities and grew up in a household where I was the adult and my parents were the kids and I started numbing myself and on the slow suicide. Yes, shes there. Again, another puzzle piece that helps to clarify who these wonderfully talented, beautiful, yet flawed human beings really were. Demri Lara Murphy was born on February 22, 1969, in Bremerton, Kitsap County in Washington, United States. 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