He said that she was "Like Mulder, except hotter, and a girl". He figured that Alaric wouldn't be thinking straight, fighting until the last second should that day come. Later that night as Lizzie recovers in her dorm room, he watches over her by her side. Each time he died with the ring on, he'd be met by Esther Mikaelson on the The Other Side, and in the brief period before the ring revived him, she would speak with him and nurture his negative feelings toward vampires and how they had affected his life; turning Isobel and killing Jenna. That is when they fall on Ray Sutton, a werewolf that Klaus had turned into a hybrid but he had gone rabid for an unknown reason, later revealed that his transition failed due to not drinking Elena's doppelgnger blood. Alaric and Caroline drove the babies out of town while Matt called hoping to figure out where Rayna was. Alaric comes to the conclusion that the monster is a Night Hag, and Alaric pleads with Landon to evacuate the school to avoid injury. Hope assumes things are going just as good as the last time, and while Ben does slightly enhance their chances, it's still not great. Alaric and Ben are shocked to see him standing before them. At first, Caroline refuted this to be impossible being she took and failed pregnancy tests, including a failed ultrasound, but Alaric remained optimistic being he was hopeful his twins were still alive. A handsome man with short, brown hair that is gelled on the top and has blue eyes. Alaric tells him that he's going to have to do some art so Elena won't be on to him because if she finds out that art school is one big lie, she's not just going to kill him, but she's going to kill Alaric too. Turns out, she'd park her car down by the river so she could cry, alone. Alaric assures him that Hope is on the case. Hope tells Lizzie that everyone was under a lot of stress dealing with the previous threat however that doesn't calm Lizzie. This time, she wants to run the simulation again, except with her humanity. After receiving a call from Matt Donovan, he and Hope head toward Route 29, Near Virginia State Line, to the scene of an active crime scene investigation. Enzo and Alaric then arrive at the dorms with a crossbow and a stake-shooting rifle in their hands. With his final words, the Necromancer returns Alaric to the mortal world, waking up from his coma. Enzo interrupts their conversation and comes in. Where they went wrong was the thought put into the wording of their wishes. Alaric reveals that he has figured out that whatever happens to the creatures erases them from history and memory. Landon explains that his school was his home, the only one he really had. Jed questions if she thinks they're going to lose but Hope believes they won't. Together, they go searching for him and find him held captive by Malivore. This makes the situation between Alaric and Emma awkward, given Alaric asked her out of his own merit. Alaric tells him he'll send him leads and not to do anything stupid. Alaric took over her research and found out about Mystic Falls and the rumors about vampires being alive in the town. Alaric tells Damon to go home and they will deal with her in the morning as the stand no chance with the full moon after Jules and Damon threatened one another's life. She's right. " He is the new headmaster after a lengthy search headlined by Caroline Forbes," explains Plec. He is a former recurring character of the first half of Season One, Season Four and Season Five. Alaric wants him to convince them not to fight. When Alaric let's Elena into his thoughts to say goodbye, it flashes back to their special moment in the woods. She then stakes him through the chest with the White Oak Stake. His doctors said he's lucky to even be walking. MG believes problems are why they ended up here in the first placeto be safe as the world is not safe for supernaturals. Alaric asks Sheriff Machado how to defuse a "bomb", citing that he is writing a novel. As he was about to get to the matter of the knife, they were interrupted by the sounds of his daughters outside the office doors demanding to be let in to talk about Caroline; silencing Jo, Alaric tried to wave them off but the twins siphoned Emma's boundary spell from the door, allowing them access and revealing Jo. Despite her anger, Alaric explained that she and him had both come back to life; and that he'd do anything to let Jo have that same chance. It would force them to confront the memories of the worst things they'd ever done, so that they could be redeemed, or die by being stubborn. In Ghost World, Damon goes to Alaric and tells him about Mason Lockwood's ghost, however Alaric still mad at Damon for killing him, doesn't want to help until they both see Mason appear. His hatred of vampires and vampire sympathizers was just as potent as it had been during his fits of insanity, outing former friends to the Town Council to be hunted down. After MG leaves, he pulls out the prism and a bottle of bourbon. Before he ends the conversation, he asks about Ben's plan and what it would mean for him. Jo starts to think they should elope and Alaric jokes with saying the same thing. Alaric began a romantic relationship with her adoptive aunt, Jenna. Still somewhat skeptical, Alaric utilized the truth sphere and questioned Jo further; she answered everything truthfully, while even restating Alaric's statement of being there to cause harm to be a lie. Alaric tells her that he's done making the decisions alone and defer the decision to them. She reveals his Gilbert Ring brings him back from the dead but asks him how many times he can die before it changes him, believing overuse of the ring has created an alter-ego in Alaric. He tells her he would like to have the baby and that the moment isn't a pity proposal. What they have here at the school is a home, a family. This is now the second time the sphinx has betrayed him. But Hope quips that they don't because she will. He doesn't understand how he would betray him and then believe he would do as exactly as he said. She's been running them into the buzz saw all day like they're expendable, citing that she only cares about herself. With no chance of escape, Alaric and his students attacked the woman, allowing Rafael to stab her in the heart with the knife. Nevertheless, Alaric tells Sebastian that he is willing to give him a chance at the school if he follows the rules, however Sebastian mocks him. You know, in the beginning, there was balance. Alaric believes they can use this monster to help turn Hope's humanity back on and asks whether or not MG agrees with him. Hope places a single red rose at an altar with his picture. In Down the Rabbit Hole, Jeremy's neck was snapped by the immortal, Silas. He used the crossbow on The Hollow and she used her magic on him, completely overpowering him. He agrees and tells her he'll wait until she asks him herself. Answer (1 of 5): He crossed back over to the other side through Bonnie along with Stefan, Tyler, Damon and Elena (they died blowing up the mystic grill in order to kill all the travellers in order to overwhelm Bonnie, so that she could let them through her). Once they get themselves a third coin, they can leave Limbo, but they can steal the boat and return to the world of the living. Landon attempts to rally him, as this is his plan. Dr. Alaric J. Saltzman is the main protagonist of Legacies. He is crying and pleading for help. MG points out that she's bait for their plan against Ken, and Alaric intercedes and tells him to do it. He then asks for a lift. However, as they fight, Elena dies when Rebekah forces Matt to drive off the road and into the river. The Fosters alumna Bianca Santos is set for a pivotal recurring role on the upcoming second season of the CW drama series Legacies. Alaric tells Alyssa that he runs a school that she can be a part of, and Alyssa agrees. Unwilling to argue with her, Alaric relented and assigned her to watch over the younger students out in the garden instead. Jo and Alaric then talk and she tells him that she has no choice and he tells her she does, as it's her to give or not. The rest you can't control and you have to make the most out of the time you have left together. She tells him that Landon says hi, learning she was in Limbo. It's okay. Kaleb questions whether Hope will still cure MG after his actions, but Alaric tells him to give her a minute. Alaric raises his crossbow, telling the two to get to the tunnels that he'll hold it off since he's not after him. Fully resolved, Alaric addressed the students and staff, informing them about the knife, the new brand of supernatural creatures that were appearing, and the danger they now faced and warned them that as of that moment, they were more than just a school, they were family. Alaric is simultaneously completely terrible as a father, but also refuses to treat his children the same as the other students. Alaric also tells her not to touch anything. In Disturbing Behavior, Elena and Damon are getting closer, despite Alaric's warning Damon to stay away. Alaric ( Matthew Davis) and Kaleb ( Chris Lee) are going to have some explaining to do on Legacies. In It's Been a Hell of a Ride, Alaric fails to mention to Caroline that the girls aren't going to their school anymore because of their magical incidents. Alaric turns to Google to search for Oliver, sarcastically joking that it is a new spell. Alaric is also Hope's headmaster at her boarding school and also her coach in learning how to fight, physically. sonicwave 231c non responsive Uncovering hot babes since 1919.. why is dash williams so short. Alaric realizes that he should trust Lizzie and Josie more, and finally agrees to send the mora miserium to a Prison World, but a 2028 version. Alaric reminds her that they know nothing about fighting gods, but Hope has already taken the liberty of inviting Professor Vardemus to the school. He tells her he will move into her home. Stefan manages to force Alaric's alter ego into revealing the location of the final White Oak Stake. When they arrive at a picturesque town, they are met by Triad Industries, who are also attempting to find the urn. Following a massive loss of students and teachers, the student body is now down to thirty, which is barely enough to meet the quota . Landon apologizes, but Alaric tells him there's no need to as the Necromancer pointed out that he is the person he needs to talk to. Actor Alexis Denisof just debuted as Headmaster Vardemus, the new headmaster at the Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted. She thanks him and he tells her he has one last confession. Damon noted that Alaric seemed to have gotten everything he wanted and threatened to start causing some chaos to his perfect life unless Alaric invited him inside, which Alaric seemed very hesitant to do. All that currently matters is that he can beat this. She knows that things haven't gone the way he imagined, and maybe his mission statement has failed, but she concludes that makes him just like the rest of them. He explains that the first clowns originated from Egypt and were essentially priests that had the ears of the kings, metaphorically. Dark Alaric attempts to bargain in order to save his own life, and so that he can keep the stake. With her death, their probability of success drops to zero percent and they lose. What season does Alaric come back? Alaric attended Jenna's funeral and lay a rose on her grave. He questions if she ran every part of her plan through the Manticulum and wants to know what it said when asked about the last move. When he tried to take it back, the woman breathed fire at him, forcing Alaric to flee back toward the highway. Lizzie's unsure if that's what she wants, becoming a vampire, but it's an option. Posted By : / It was revealed that Alaric was a vampire hunter and had researched and studied them. Josie breaks the mora miserium, allowing her to perform the spell to send everyone home, however, Sebastian appears and forces Alaric to return home. You have to let yourself drown in it, but then eventually, you'll start to swim, and every single breath that you fight for will make you stronger. In Somebody That I Used to Know, Alaric is surprised to see Stefan arrive at his house. The stone fell out of Oscar's pocket and Bonnie returned it to Ric, telling him to never lie to her again. Alaric knows nothing about the events, but has investigated whilst also trying to claim it was an animal attack. Despite Professor Vardemus reminding him that he is banned from school grounds, Alaric reveals that Sheriff Mac has approved his visit under special circumstances. Alaric and Hope track the creature to the Town Centre, and are able to kill it, although it turns out to be a cyclops, not a troll as they initially thought. Despite everything, there's no lasting grudge between them. It is revealed that he had sent Sebastian to the 2018 Prison World and lied. Bonnie later attempts to make herbs for Alaric in an attempt to help him resist being controlled by The Darkness. They don't need her, but they want her here, because they still believe the real her is still there. Josie tearfully demanded to know why Alaric put his life on the line for Hope and stormed away even after Alaric insisted that he knew from his research that the gargoyle would never harm him because he was human. She believes that if she can prove to them that they can't beat a run-of-the-mill monster without her, then they'll take her deal. Later, Alaric watched Damon propose the trade of Oscar for Elena. She made a promise. Alaric then excused himself, acting drunk, when it was revealed soon after that he was actually just drinking tea and pretending it was bourbon. Hope reminds him that's why they're here. While trying to save Damon from Tripp Cooke, Alaric was pulled into the magic purification zone over Mystic Falls. He wants her to be happy. It's bigger than you. We've determined that 53.6% of headmasters have a bachelor's degree. She questions Landon about how he can help her. Alaric is a Human, Vampire Hunter, former history teacher at Mystic Falls High School and a former Enhanced Original, not by being one of the first vampires as the Mikaelson Family is, but instead being turned through an altered version of the spell used on the Mikaelson family. He is greeted by Damon and Stefan until Klaus shows up and pulls the dagger out, being knocked out in the process by Klaus. The Necromancer doesn't agree to the terms and conditions of their three wishes. Julie Plec -- creator and showrunner of The CW's Legacies -- has revealed the new job Matthew Davis' Alaric Saltzman will have in the Vampire Diaries spinoff's recently-premiered second season. Even though most headmasters have a . Hope believed it was Landon's doing while Rafael insisted something else was responsible for the dead bodies. He tells her that he's a vampire hunter. Nature itself signals the birth of the tribrid, the sky turning blood red, thunder and red lightning striking through the sky. Everything That Can Be Lost May Also Be Found, I Wouldn't Be Standing Here If It Weren't For You, By the End of This, You'll Know Who You Were Meant to Be, carnivores foaming at the mouth for vampire meat, The Next Time I Hurt Somebody, It Could Be You, Someplace Far Away From All This Violence, https://www.behindthename.com/name/alaric, https://www.ancestry.com/name-origin?surname=saltzman, The Vampire Diaries Season One Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Two Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Three Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Four Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Five Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Six Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Seven Characters, The Vampire Diaries Season Eight Characters. It's a lot, but he's here to make peace for both of their sakes. In All My Children, Alaric is seen at the grill with Meredith, when Damon calls him asking if he is with his sexy psycho doctor. He thanks her for the advice. In Detoured On Some Random Backwoods Path to Hell, Alaric calls Seline questioning where his daughters are. The witch legacy also comes from the Mikaelson line from when her family was witches before becoming vampires. That is unexpected for Alaric, but he tells Kaleb that all the townies are back to normal and they don't remember anything. Alaric tells him not to thank him yet because he's betrayed them and raised a god he claimed to hate. Rebekah then forces Alaric to the cave so he can retrieve the stake. Alaric crawls to Hope and cuts open his hand attempting to feed her. The event was so traumatic that his mind repressed it. Elena believes that Meredith is right after reading the journal of Samantha Gilbert which revealed that she had committed similar killings while wearing the Gilbert Ring that her grandfather Johnathan had given her. Alaric suggests to Stefan that the only way to force his alter ego out of hiding is to threaten his life. When he arrived in town in the first season of The Vampire Diaries, he was a vampire hunter of sorts who simply wanted answers about his wife's death. They eventually rescue Hope, and Alaric confronts Hope over her actions. She thought she was prepared to become the tribrid, to kill Landon and all the emotions it would bring. The students turn to find her standing at the top of the stairs, admiring them all. Currently, she's a three-way hybrid that, for the moment, only has access to her witch and werewolf sides. Wade tells her that she has to get out of there, but Hope refuses to run. While on the phone with Caroline, his attention is diverted to an all-too-familiar voice behind him. A day after breaking up with Jenna, Alaric told Elena and he revealed that he can't lie to her while he is with her. Klaus appears and kills Alaric hoping to expedite the process though when he awakes he is still himself. Alaric is forced to do as Malivore asks and releases him and he kidnaps Ethan in the process. Alaric hides one of the White Oak Stakes on one of his book shelves only to announce to Damon that the stake has gone missing. She asks about Hope and he tells her that she's resting. Alaric believes her to still be in shock, but Hope refuses. Cleo is obviously an oracle and they see things that will happen. She explains that she did it the moment she stabbed Landon, and admits that it's really working for her. Hope warns Alaric to explain the Merge to his daughters given they have nearly figured it out or she will tell them. Given his recent conversations with his own daughter, he'd be a hypocrite if he didn't believe that. Pedro, Wade, Finch, Hope, Cleo, Kaleb, Lizzie, and MG with all of the other students gathered, Alaric thanks them for being there. They are in the woods similar to where Alaric trained Elena how to fight years prior. Later that night, Alaric, Jo and the twins met in the twins' bedroom. Alaric questions why Oliver does not remember the dryad given they have clearly met before as she knows his name and he is a vampire however, Oliver simply cannot remember the dryad and this seems to sadden Alaric himself. After Damon raised his glass to Alaric, he smiles fondly and seems at peace as he looks at everyone he cares about. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place!