Doug is like this. Or does he think like this? I suppose there has been no prosecution because of the beyond a reasonable doubt issue, but I dont know. And if followers are content in going to secondary sources to mediate spiritual Life, that means theyve turned this mere man into their idol. All I need to know are the ages and that there was a conviction. They are innovating and changing theology, a claim theorists deny. See Texas Penal Code, Title 5 (Offenses Against The Person), Chapter 22 (Assaultive Offenses), Section 22.011 (Sexual Assault), Subsection (b)(10): (b) A sexual assault [] is without the consent of the other person if [] (10) the actor is a clergyman who causes the other person to submit or participate by exploiting the other persons emotional dependency on the clergyman in the clergymans professional character as spiritual adviser. The latter is a huge deal, taking great courage because every single thing in her life spoke against it. Im a sometime-reader of Wilson (complicated reasons why). And now back to the topic at hand: Segregating the nonprofit and for-profit activities and the financial transactions related to the two types of organizations is a critical aspect of these side-by-side organizations, he said. Bless your heart to me is a snotty put down, always said in smug tones, Stacy McDonald echoes it: ..if she had not gone to the media, but instead sought Christian arbitration; and, if her family, her church, and the people in her community all wound up believing her, wouldnt that be enough? Follow. They are on the wrong side of this issue. But the way it is being handled is causing Gods name to be slandered among the heathen (and the church). What this was (as far as is currently apparent) was a completely one-sided case of sociopathic entitlement. I have. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. It was so patriarchal it put the entire burden and responsibility of the wifes faith onto her husband. I imagine Doug got the idea from porn, too. Website announces new shipping plan for 2015, Which means that these crazy Scripture twisters are risking a whole lot.maybe the unforgivable sin (grieving the Holy Spirit) could have something to do with pissing Angels offI would NEVER want to upset Angel Gabriel, in any caseJust sayin. Eve is the same substance as Adam bone of his bone, flesh of his flesh. Phillips produced a documentary The League of Grateful Sons in 2004 about the soldiers who fought in the Battle of Iwo Jima. My sweetie story took place in Sears hardware dept. So right out of the gate, the prophet and figurehead of the movement has discredited himself. I have been more focused on the big picture. @ Hester: We contacted Dougs board and none of them would even look at the volumes of evidence we had against Doug. Isnt there a way to pay a settlement without admitting anything just to make it all go away? Phillips is the founder of the defunct San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival. One more thing to add to todays gratitude list, then, that you have not had extensive experience (in my case, perhaps 30+ years, depending on how I categorize a few experiences, now that I understand this kind of pathology) with BOTH the sick pastors, and the people who continue to follow them, even in the face of very twisted, screwy tendencies. of the means or instrument by which anything is effected . However, some of us who qualify as cheer leading bystanders have reason to believe Lourdes story. Phillips had left the church in July. I agree that this whole case, in a courtroom, could be interpreted as a girlfriend boyfriend thing gone wrong, and some claims could be seen as exaggerated. [1] Contents 1 Head coaching record 1.1 College This is because we recognize that theyre traumatized and just doing the best they can to get through, whatever that is. Thank you for the kind remarks about my post. And commenting on my own word choice, when I re-read my post, I thought why did I use the word could instead of would, as in most people WOULD recoil from narcissism up close vs most people COULD recoil from narcissism in close proximity if I were writing a book I would try to express that distinction better the modals could and would are not as clear as the determiners/quantifiers most, all, some.Oh well too much analysis for a Friday. The article I linked yesterday quotes at length from Michael Farris's reaction to Doug Phillips downfall. I read that link and thought it pretty bizarre! The victim in this would have been Beall, with two people victimizing her. We ordinary church members seem prone to idolizing and making celebrities of our pastors, Thabiti Anyabwile referred to this in the panel discussion on celebrity pastors at T$G a few years ago. When its pointed out, he either ignores it or perhaps adds another trailer of explanation while pouring on the scorn. You can tell them all day long love your neighbor as yourself but they perceive their neighbor to be a threat. Just wanted to mess with u 4 knowing so much about this particular topic. Just wanted to add a tiny bit of something to the conversation, lol, to follow up on HUGThank you, HUG, for bringing that fabulously wonderful word up! He has brought harm to many folks around the country. This issue is just such a difficult one to discuss, and I grew up in constant chaos and bickering (alcoholic home, live at home sexual perpetrator, almost out of a Lifetime Movie) so I have low tolerance for constant disagreement and misunderstanding. I tried all sorts of small things when I was being abused, while also filled with shame and aware that any open attempt would be met with condemnation. Im glad we got to the heart of what you were saying being a sexual abuse victim myself, I can see shame or cognitive malfunction holding a person back from disclosing every little detail consistently, but the cool part is that this is likely a case where the perpetrator will likely just trap himself quickly, and then things will come to light. Second, this anti-freedom gridlock bounded choice and the psychology of totalism, glued together with the limiting realities of a total institution creates slaves to the system. They struggled financially, his wife is/was working as a caregiver for a while. So for the record, Im not buying Dougs attorneys contradictory accounts defense. @ LawProf: (And Rafiki) so so so sorry for my lack of tact!! And not just the appearance of contempt, but the substance: labeling, name-calling, sharp and over-the-top sarcasm designed to dehumanize, and other forms of minimization and marginalization. So we have here a civilization / culture which has drastically changed and which is rapidly continuing to change, and we see large groups of people gathering around what they perceive to be strong people. Wilson and many others like him do not seem to grasp the very real factors often at play in trauma (learned helplessness, spiritual abuse, etc.) But you cant have it both ways. I think this is the second time Ive seen you use this word. Unless someone can find a complete disavowal, though, the implications in that monograph are frightening. On November 11, 2013, Vision Forum Ministries' board of directors discontinued operations citing "serious sins" which prompted Phillips' resignation. And that really makes my eyes roll when it comes from a patriarchy apologist. Thank you for the insights re: Doug Wilson and the Moscow community. This descriptive terminology also describes the people with whom females selectively breed, given the opportunity. I am well acquainted with the (former) VF community and I really think his name is pretty irredeemable to them. At the time, I thought that was a very unique thing to do in the midst of what (for me) was an evangelical cultural/artistic landscape devoid of much substance. Just received news alerts that ops are ongoing this evening as I write this. Right.. Would that be the same American Redoubt that Christian survivalist James Wesley Rawles tells people to relocate to? I saw the initial seedling stages of the very toxic system whereof we now witness the bitter fruits borne. Douglas Rex Phillips, 55. @ LawProf: may be different from Doug Phillips, but some of the results of his personal cleverness and charisma are the same. They are destroyers for the length of their lives. I have NO idea what could be revealed through discovery or whatever that is called, and cross examination, etc. Rawles remembers Wilsons birthday here: Finally, she was practically yelling about that crazy dentist Dr. Acer in Florida whod infected some of his patients and blah-bluh-blah this and BLAH-BLUH-BLAH THAT and . In response to an article published at WorldNetDaily, Phillips' attorney sent an e-mail that blamed the victim: but they are still married. Her presence brought out the worst in people, in part because her own language was insulting and inflammatory it was apparently purposeful on her part to give off more heat than light. Just meant to say that people have an awfully hard time facing awful truths about their wonderful leader. But then, some people do get off on things like imprecatory prayer. Also, the whole order of creation argument is a bit silly if we take the order of Gen 1-2 at face value, Adam was created last, so does that mean that he is somehow less than or subordinate to the animals? This is a bot message. It was abysmal. Were that the case, then I could understand pleas for a quiet resolution. Average folks are so incredibly exhausted of the continuing insecurity. @ Rafiki: And lets not even get started on how much Wilsons logic in this piece could be used to blame victims of domestic violence. [6] Beall Phillips was herself adopted. There isnt a flair for any of them, so I hope this isnt a banned subject Im bringing up (?). . Wilsons is an intellect without practical, spirit-led intuition and a logic without love. But the stereotype also fails because a person who has no heart loses intelligence. He needs help. This is a matter that needs to be dealt with in the public eye, where Christians stand up and condemn him using vigorous words in vigorous ways. Statistics show that 1 out of 3-4 girls and 1 out of 6 boys are molested by the age of 18 years. Im very interested in the survivalist connections in patriarchy but havent had time to sit down and do the legwork yet. Jill and Stuart Briscoe are speaking. Rape has an older meaning of to carry off as well as forcible sexual assault, and the use of the same word for both suggests the two were once connected. Was not trying to be too profound here. Who Is Doug Phillips's Wife? That explains Rapture Culture, from Hal Lindsay to Hagee and his Four Blood Moons. And in this movements disdain for age graded worship. Yeah, there are always people who are secretly enchanted by the sociopath and will use back-handed praise, but it is important to clearly understand ones enemy. However, I do feel obliged to say we are lonely voices in the wilderness. Sproul. Courtney Stodden was a 16-year-old who had dreams to become an actress. Youre right. Stollar, HA Community Coordinator In a curious turn of events, Beall Phillips wife of disgraced homeschool leader Doug Phillips, who was accused of sexual assaulting his family's nanny has come out swinging against HSLDA's Michael Farris. The judge agreed and stated that the 24 year old was immature as a result of being sheltered through homeschooling. God help us. They did not stop it. When you tell a victim of sexual abuse done by a church leader to remain silent you allow the perpetrator to abuse again and again, if the church would police itself it would never be necessary to rebuke them publicly. If clarity is central to writing, how good of a communicator (let alone a comedian) can you be when people cant even understand why your jokes are funny? Twin border cities; Sault Ste Marie, Ontario, Canada and Sault Ste Marie, Michigan, U.S.A. She was supposed to be his girlfriend and go to the prom with him, inexplicably she couldnt seem to realize that, so he was forced to kill her. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. but that conveniently absolves the rapist and others of responsibility. Most people could not survive being interrogated under oath anyway, but an abuse survivor who likely has PTSD and tendencies to dissociate? _________________________. The wearing of fabric head coverings in worship was universally the practice of Christian women until the twentieth century. Last year I see his name popping up on this list. Prayer Requests Phillips received $44,000 in salary from the ministry for a 30-hour workweek, according to the ministrys financial documents. Ty 4 posting. So Wilsons plea doesnt have much appeal. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. For some reason people like to heap backhanded praise upon their enemies in this culture: I may disagree with X, he may be quite dangerous, but hes quite a [fill in praise here]. I think the archetype of the Evil genius is at work here, people just like to fit enemies into that narrative, even when its square peg-round hole. They can believe that the very survival of Evangelicalism depends on extending their presuppositions as far as they can. Just like Casey Anthony, I believe that Phillips is guilty and it is not based on reading one article in the Huffington Post. Totally awesome. And I do have an old pickup truck, for what that is worth. Im sure the consistency will help her case. So its already slouching away from the New Jerusalem and from that shaky theological GPS, its a hop, skip, and a jump toward becoming gnostic in process even if never in outright heretical beliefs of Gnosticism. Im also a sexual assault survivor. What happened? Oscar Wilde and Mark Twain were witty; Doug Wilson is a chainsaw. The word sweet needs to be taken out of our vocabulary when used to describe a grown woman. Like many people, religious and non, he has a picture in his head of what a rape victim is and how she should behave that bears no relationship to reality but that conveniently absolves the rapist and others of responsibility. And here is visual proof of highly Piper regards Wilson. I agree with you that the mere expousre of this man has been a really good thing. But I do understand from this case, that Lourdes often told Doug to stop it, that she would have derived no personal pleasure from being semened-upon, and that she was the one who finally put a stop to it. She was an adult, and so if his attentions were not entirely unwelcome, she was a player in the vice, not a victim. @ Rosmary Huskey: As you might imagine, there was a good bit of commentary regarding that post. Wilson is fond of using words that make him sound literary. It appears that someone used the photo in a misleading way. if you are still reading here. He is quite skilled in superficial social relationships. ISTM that Piper cares, but has little ability. Well done. Creepy IMO. You wont find this broadcast out in the open. Ive run into that with various fanboys. I do believe that people who are raised in these communities are trained from birth to be submissive to authority, to not gossip, and on and on. Beall Phillips. And the Wilson family had significant influence in Pullman, WA, and Moscow, ID, through the Christian bookstores in both towns (the Pullman store located just at the edge of the university campus), Community Christian Ministries a sort of ecumenical-evangelical parachurch organization, involvement in a number of local churches and other ministries, concerts, etc. In fact, when the couple got married in 2015, they choose to completely avoid meat during their wedding festivities, serving alternative dishes like hummus sandwiches, vibrant-looking salads, and more. But that says more about the person using the term than it does about the term itself. Yikes! Its glaringly obvious from his numerous statements that he has some very deep seated psychological problems and seriously unresolved issues regarding women. His writing is a little dense and academic for me personally, but insightful nonetheless. Yoopers come from above the bridge, referring to the Mackinac Bridge, which separates upper Michigan from lower Michigan. That is one of the reasons we have lawyers and courts (and blogs.). What happened? Doug Wilson is obviously clueless about race, history, gender, theology and the dynamics of abuse. You write very, very well. It is a blessing that Moscow is a small university town where his hateful rhetoric and his almost daily mocking sneers and foul adolescent language targeting gay and lesbian people, marginalize him. I have trouble believing ANYONE could be on such a creeps side as this one. I learned it when I was part of a pioneering network for Christian ministries to those infected or affected by HIV/AIDS, from 1987 to 1997. "This is us. Were at a nasty low but US Christianity is still here and itll pop up/out again. It wouldnt surprise me. Im pretty torn about which version is more funny, but I have heard the same thing about Michigan, that the cows run scared up North, especially around Sault Ste Marie, one of Michigans northern most cities. It could be that Phillips did the things she says and that the facts were such that she, although an adult, was not responsible. He said, He was teaching that girls should never go to college. That said, I thought his letter of resignation was good, and accomplished what a letter like that needed to accomplish. All the universe is Gods, and everything in it. One celeb couple is working hard to save their seven-year-long marriage. They should never have been put in a heck if you do and heck if you dont situation by perpetrators. She was a little girl in WWII. And no, I have not loaded up to Go West, but about a century ago my father did live in Blackfoot, Idaho for a time, and there are some relatives (whom I have never met) scattered around there somewhere. Theyre too smart for that. What a mess this has all become. I regularly describe my wife as sweet, and indeed she is, according to a dictionary definition: delightful, likeable, engaging, friendly, thoughtful, considerate, charming, enchanting, captivating, lovely.. But once again, bringing it back to Mr. Wilson as apparently is the nature of how all things must (hopefully) eventually go, at least in his mini-cosmos of Moscow I have two concluding thoughts. Mr.H wrote: Today's Anniversary. both Amy Smith and IIRC AnAttorney posted good links to the relevant sections of the TX penal code. Y@ Rosmary Huskey: There is a particular charisma to it all that draws in some people who seem to find that form of humor awesome instead of gruesome as you said, its more a chainsaw than not. If you dont know of any resources, check out Bozs website at for starters. Its a sad commentary on the human race that so many people will buy into so much that is cruel, even evil, based on its delivery. You nailed it! In an effort to be gracious I will simply say that because one is a pastor/theologian this does not automatically confer upon you the status of an expert in all fields. In other words, no matter what, SAHD and patriocentric family structure, have just been destroyed by their own proponents, and patriarchy has finally been revealed to the entire world as a fantasy that cannot fulfill all the empty promises it makes. (I disagree about the wrongness of calling adults sweet. As for headcoverings supposedly being universal rather than cultural, this out to blow that one right out of the water: At the same time, of course, we should make allowances for those situations where an abused girl was never given the opportunity to become a responsible adult. Lewis, with three firsts from Oxford, then a fellowship at Oxford, finally a full professorship at Cambridge, and with that great body of literary, theological and scholarly work, was a scholar and a wit. Another stream was more aggressive, agenda-setting, loud, and politically engaged. The couple tied the knot during the show's first season, but happily ever after may not be working out for them. Reminds me of Much Ado About Nothing: This learned constable is too cunning to be understood.. When so much of theological conservatism/fundamentalism/evangelicalism was anti-intellectual in the 1970s and 80s, if you came from that background but happened to resonate with the idea that the Bible had something important to say to every academic discipline and life domain, then pseudo-intellectual would seem like The Real Deal in the absence of any other real reference to the contrary. Im with you, Clay. It was doubtless much aided in its popularity by its quasi-identity with the English word. Googling Doug Phillips + Vision Forum + Homosexuality does bring up the famous Matt Chancey "Art of Manliness" incident. One thing I have wondered is whether there are other women or girls out there beside this plaintiff? Very much agreed Ardiak. He also runs an organization called Ministry Safe. Stacy McDonald (wife of patriarch James McDonald a colleague of Doug Phillips), chimed in on April 18 with these remarks: Translation: 452 following. If I have to be a feminist in order not to try to live in the Middle Eastern culture of 2000 years ago, Ill wear the t-shirt. If I am better than x, I am ok. Maybe it appeals to the competitive side of humans, which can result in class structures of all sorts? Muff, I was personally pleased by the ruling earlier this week by the 2nd US Court of Appeals, a step in the right direction of desperately-needed transparency: We sent our kids to a Wilsonite classical Christian school for a few years, and after awhile we felt that something just wasnt right. 64 come up! As far as we know humanity has always grouped together for survival. The idea of ruling with an iron rod was understood to mean that his power would be such that evil would have no chance to prevail. Perhaps sociopaths are statistically more intelligent than average, but that sure doesnt necessarily mean genius or anything close. He intellectually and theologically seduces people into his orbit, and leaves them ignorant of the loss of personal trajectory as replaced by his systems bounded choices. In so doing, Wilson is keen on providing apologetics for even the wrong kind of patriarchy, claiming that he has to assign blame to the women who are used inappropriately by the wrong kind of patriarchy. What are you saying? Funny thing is, MANY of Mr. Chancey and his ilk who liked to take such photos were often affiliated with questionable Christian missions organization like that of Brad Phillips (Douglas Phillps Esq.s brother) or this other moron preacher with a penchant for self-aggrandizement. But becoming evangelicalisms new apologist does not change the kinds of biological vestiges our priestly and bloody ancestors have bequeathed to this valiant defender of Gods rule and crown. My sympathies to you. It puts blame on her for his actions, by assuming a mutual relationship. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Sigh. Late Victorian terminology. Meanwhile, anyone who looks to/commends the thinking of Doug Wilson (i.e. etc. The appearance of godliness, but . @ Rafiki: And the times when they werent welcome are canceled out somehow by the times when they were? 1. by reason of 2. on account of 3. because for this reason 4. therefore We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Heres 1 Cor. Its not that he is witty so much as that its the only intellectual endeavor he values. perhaps an illegal immigrant who works in a situation where the boss provides the job, the living arrangements, the money, the transportation etc.) That looks to me like a good biological adaptive mechanism. In 2014, Michael Farris, the chairman and cofounder of the Home School Legal Defense Association, criticized the biblical patriarchy beliefs of his former HSLDA colleague Doug Phillips, and said he regrets not speaking out against him sooner. It cannot be disputed that Phillips did in fact have an affair, because he admitted it himself. Reminds me of Much Ado About Nothing: This learned constable is too cunning to be understood. We at TWW should be honored that she has visited us here. have a case. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. And, as predicted, all attention went to her. From an outsider looking in, it definitely seems like she (Faith) and Doug have common interests in cosplay, the performing arts, and a certain aesthetic. Er umyesDear Hubby explained some bizarre things that happen in Japanese porn that should remain unexpressed. Which, it seems to me, indicates he has created a closed, authoritarian system that is not so different from the one he supposedly critiques in Vision Forum. The affair with Lourdes was discussed for quite a long time. IMO this urge appears to be a huge driving force in humans. 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