-- Potter Critics and fans note that the show also did Formula Breaking Episodes very well, by keeping its tone consistent while experimenting with unusual storylines or storytelling techniques. -- Hawkeye, "Attention all personnel. Because M*A*S*H broadcasted around the same time as the Vietnam War, they had to walk a thin line between criticizing the war through its comedic take on the Korean one and just being an entertaining show with no underlying criticism whatsoever. -- Hawkeye lovely letter. came out beautiful. Incredible as it seems, half my unit believed You different men are all alike. We recognise that not all activities and ideas are appropriate and suitable for all children and families or in all circumstances. -- PA Trapper John: A martini? Bit players or guest stars might die, but series regulars were typically written out by having them go somewhere that took them away from a program's setting: they moved away to take jobs in other cities, they went off to college, they got married and left home, or they took extended trips abroad. -- Potter -- PA think it scratched your brain. ", 53. Let's shoot him and put him out of our misery -- Hawkeye This approach ultimately led to Frank Burns (Larry Linville) leaving the show by receiving a psychiatric discharge after the fifth season, as the writers had developed Burns into a wholly unlikeable character with no room for growth.noteLinville actually chose to leave after his initial five-year contract was up, despite having been offered another two years. 56. -- Hawkeye "A chaplain in the Army has a collar on his neck/If you don't listen to him, you'll all wind up in heck. In "Point of View," the entire episode is literally seen through the eyes of one wounded soldier via P.O.V. Are a Girl's Best Friend," whereupon the whole family beat her to death of this country were playing golf with five clubs. scene would be the last one shot. I'm nuts. Kidadl has a number of affiliate partners that we work with including Amazon. -- Radar I am going to name my first wife after him. -- -- Hawkeye, "This is Frank Burns, one of our best surgeons. reports that General Mark W. Clark has just been appointed commander of Monkey muffins! you seen my stethoscope? -- Hawkeye -- This is one of my The meek may inherit the earth but it's the grumpy who gets promoted! -- Potter Pig feathers! 1 likes. Here are the best Radar O'Reilly quotes from 'MASH'. That man is a sex maniac; I don't think Hot Lips satisfied him. It's revolting. Frank, can I borrow your doctor's diploma? ", 11. I know what you fellas are trying to pull, but you're not going to push me around. Because Frank was always following the rules, this made him an easy target for people like Hawkeye who enjoyed pulling pranks. six weeks of negotiation, the U.N. and North Korea have agreed that flagpoles Attention all personnel. Road apples! A subsidiary legend associated with this episode holds that Reynolds and Gelbart opted to take the unusual course of killing off the Henry Blake character in order to spite actor McLean Stevenson for being difficult and walking out in the middle of a five-year contract. "Oh don't be silly. "These are the forms to get the forms to order more forms, sir.". Sorry, camp. -- Hawkeye, "I've got a soft spot for Klinger. You ever had one of those wars where everything goes wrong? ", 21. you the jobs of Americans like me would be a lot more difficult. Oh Margaret, you're my snug-harbour. Talking to Major Houlihan is the same as talking to me as we are intimate Walter "Radar" OReilly, and Cpl. Authors; Topics; Movie Quotes; TV Show Quotes; Check your inbox for your latest news from us. Unhappily, there was some sort of technical glitch. We also link to other websites, but are not responsible for their content. Gelbart, Larry. The man is trying to be dull. Hawkeye Pierce: I'll remember that if we're ever attacked by a bridge club.". "It is better to have loved and lost than - oh give me a drink." Buffalo chips! And Hawkeye and Houlihan were bonded as well, sharing a mutual admiration for each other as medical professionals and a mutual attraction that they resisted acting upon for years. We resolved that instead of doing an episode in which yet another actor leaves yet another series, we would try to have Mac/Henry's departure make a point, one that was consistent with the series's attitude regarding the wastefulness of war; we would have that character die as a result of the conflict. However, the death of one of his friends on the show was an incredibly sad time for him. Every time he tickles those ivories, the entire elephants' graveyard tonight and count his rings. ", 12. "The way I see it, the army owes us so many coffee breaks, we should get 1954 off. No one's succeeding -- Hawkeye He feels that he lost not only a great friend, but a wonderful professional." Jumping Jeosephat! -- Hawkeye, "How would you like to donate a pint of blood through your nose?" "It's too big a world to be in competition with everyone. Gene and I worked out a story entitled "Abyssinia, Henry" we distributed the finished script to the cast and various production departments, but removed the last page, which called for Radar to enter the O.R. -- PA I had couple of words privately with Billy Jurgensen, our cinematographer, told him what was up, and asked him to position his camera for the one additional scene. While the above quote from Maxwell is only a snippet of the actual one as shown on IMDb, its hilarious enough in itself to make up for the rest. is open 24 hours for your dining and dancing pleasure. You have to give Winchester a credit. What in the name of Great Caesar's Salad -- Potter -- Radar, "The way I see it, the army owes us so many coffee breaks, we should get 1954 off." The eagle screams today. A lot of his success can be dated back to his time on M*A*S*H with his fellow co-stars. WebMemorable Quotes from M*A*S*H characters. We are the Pros from Dover and we figure to crack this kid's chest and get out to golf course before it gets dark.". Get away from me before I get physically emotional! You know, a prominent place in the schedule. WebMash Quotes. -- Radar How would you like to donate a pint of blood through your nose? Insanity is just a state of mind. Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. One of the most commercially and critically successful series in American television history, M*A*S*H is in the words of its lead character, "Hawkeye" Pierce (Alan Alda) "finest kind". -- PA Inspired by the movie of the same name, which in turn was based on a book, the show focused on the members of a fictional US Mobile Army Surgical Hospital that operated in the Korean War. Major Houlihan, your chest x-rays are ready and they really naked. I'm a former child myself. I've eaten so much fish, I'm ready to grow gills! in ten minutes sharp. RELATED: THE WALKING DEAD: 10 THINGS WRONG WITH CAROL AND EZEKIEL'S RELATIONSHIP. -- PA announcer He is bright, educated, and an into a babbling idiot. Subscribe to our newsletter for new stories, tips & events. I kept that one last page under wraps, locking it in my desk drawer. 51. ", Today, Swit continues to contribute to a good cause as a vocal animal rights activist, selling SwitHeart perfume and her memoir through her official website, with proceeds benefitting various animal-related non-profit groups. 2023 Telepictures Productions Inc. Well, official channels could take forever. Sign up here for exclusive access to all your favorite celebrities You look like an ad for death -- Hawkeye. What in the name of Marco "BLESSED" Polo -- Potter by reading you a letter from my mom. Margaret Houlihan may have remained at the 4077th until M*A*S*H's not-at-all-bitter end, but her alter ego "Hot Lips" Houlihan disappeared much earlier. ", 29. "Hot Lips, you incredible nincompoop! -- PA - Lieutenant Larry Gelbart also disclaimed that legend: [H]aving Henry die was not a show-business decision; we were not punishing an actor for leaving the series. I am sex itself, What in the name on beelzebub is going on here -- Potter I throw up. I am only paranoid because everyone is against me -- Frank Suffern' saddlesoap! It was our running gag. anymore. Authors; Although nowadays characters who are "written out" of TV shows often shuffle off this mortal coil from disease, accident, or homicide (fates that claimed several regular characters on the hospital drama ER alone), that phenomenon was unheard of in television's first few decades. If you want a drink, sir, -- compliments Henry Blake -- brandy, scotch, ", 48. "A device is yet to be invented that will measure my indifference to this remark. I love the colone's reaction: "Horse hockey!") What in the name of Sweet Fanny Adams -- Potter Radar here, uh..there's nobody love if I'm smothered in bacon and onions -- Hawkeye The Sign up here for exclusive access to all your favorite celebrities and breaking entertainment news! Kellerman's career spanned over 60 years, beginning with some minor TV roles in the late 1950s. -- Potter He was better. He'll rip the doors off of the mess tent!' And we're soldiers. MASH? WebIt's the first time I've seen orange juice labeled "freshly killed". See how stars are getting in the holiday spirit! What a unique device, the human tush. While local orphans attend a Christmas party in the mess tent, Hawkeye, B.J., and Margaret try to save the life of a critically injured solider so that his family won't -- Corporal Klinger. She kicked me and then she messed all my files from M to Zee and everything Sidney Freedman: I haven't washed my hands since I became a psychiatrist. Where in the name of Carrie's Corset -- Potter ", 10. "F**king brilliant," said Larry Linville. They were most upset about that, and so was sentimental, dear old Twentieth Century-Fox. Due to circumstances beyond our control, lunch up my own mouth hole. And he was certainly no stranger to the big screen in his day. Enemy advances bring medical advances -- BJ PA -- Radar (this one Larry Gelbart confirmed that account in his own book, Laughing Matters: Although the cast (with the exception of Alan Alda) was in the dark about the episode's resolution until the last minute, it was not "kept a surprise from the cast until the moment when Gary Burghoff's character ran into the operating room to announce the news": [T]here was no precedent for the last episode of our third season, in which the character of Colonel Henry Blake died. Ultimately, though, she opts to return to the U.S.A. to work at a hospital, citing her father a career army man as the reason for her decision to return stateside. -- Hawkeye -- Klinger Always trust your car to a man who has a star -- Hawkeye What we suggest is selected independently by the Kidadl team. Thinking back, I wasn't up to making that decision, so I was happy that the studio and the network made it for me. It always amazes me how a baby can take a normal adult and turn him -- Klinger (And I'm section 8, head to toe. -- Radar And for your convenience, all in the same bottle. "I've got two kids of my own. You're what Freud would call Spooky -- Sidney the other way around. Mule fritters! Ad Choices And that's what I'm gonna do what I've wanted to do all along: Work in the States in a hospital. Sally Kellerman, Oscar-Nominated as Hot Lips Houlihan in MASH, Dies at 84. The producers' intent was to capture the cast's genuine shock and surprise, and to remind the audience that war takes friend and foe alike. Attention. -- Charles 44. To celebrate the 40th anniversary of M*A*S*H's series finale, and the belated 50th anniversary of its series premiere last September, Swit shared other remarkable stories from her time at the 4077th, including why she led the charge to phase out Margaret's infamous nickname "Hot Lips" Houlihan during the run of the series, and the motivation behind Hawkeye and Houlihan's extra-long lip-lock in the final moments of "Goodbye, Farewell and Amen.". ", 42. The glee club meets in the mess tent at o-eight hundred hours. I'm giving your hijinks the heave-ho, post-haste! Because of the finale's demanding production schedule and an accidental fire that destroyed parts of their set "Goodbye, Farewell and Amen" wasn't the last episode the cast shot together. I'll carry on, carry over, carry forward, Cary Grant, cash and carry, carry me back to Old Virginia, I'll even 'hari-kari' if you show me how, but I will not carry a gun!. That was all the reason [producer] Gene [Reynolds] and I needed to know we would have to do it. -- Hawkeye, "Insanity is just a state of mind." Hawkeye: I'm too Everybody's Stars attend the Sundance Film Festival 2023! These are the funniest quotes from the 'MASH' movie. "It's the longest kiss in television history," Swit says, laughing. -- Potter In that moment, he was Winchester, but he was also David, and I was Margaret and Loretta.". I'd like a dry martini, Mr. Quoc, a very dry martini. ", 31. "A good cigar is like a beautiful chick with a great body who also knows the American League box scores. uniform alright. Even roosters are comatose!" ", 28. "Henry, you are bursting with something, your face could open a branch smile!". gentlemen. Captain Alvin Mercer leaves for a honeymoon in Tokyo at Please note that Kidadl is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon. (In a sequel novel, MASH Mania, he has his version of Hawkeye state how much he enjoys going down to the State University to "kick the shit out of a few liberals".). With the -- Potter Armed Forces Radio But a major reason why characters didn't die was simply because death was considered too serious a subject for the primarily light-hearted TV fare of the era. Col. Potter: Maybe we are, but Pierce isn't. I can take two and call me in the morning, but I cannot take this sitting down. He would call us! You are the 10 most boring people I know -- Trapper to Frank Great balls of fire! M*A*S*H Quotes Total quotes: 41 M*A*S*H The 4077th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital is stuck in the middle of the Korean war. -- Hawkeye, "If you want a drink, sir, -- compliments Henry Blake -- brandy, scotch, vodka. Hawkeye: The army, in its infinite wisdom, has not only cleared Frank If we don't go crazy once in a while, we'll all go crazy. One of the ongoing elements in M*A*S*H was Frank and Major Margaret Houlihans romantic relationship despite the fact that Frank had a wife waiting for him back home in the United States. We strive to recommend the very best things that are suggested by our community and are things we would do ourselves - our aim is to be the trusted friend to parents. -- Radar I am going to name my first wife after him. "I know you! -- PA -- Hawkeye he dresses a lot like my wife -- Potter spirit of pursuit, the stag howling for its winsome yet anonymous mate. Choi Sung Ho: The candy would have brought great joy to the children for a few moments, but on the black market it was worth enough rice and cabbage to feed them for a month. He changed to psychiatry? Hope you enjoyed As actor Jamie Farr (who played Corporal Klinger) relates in The Complete Book of M*A*S*H, writer/director Larry Gelbart showed the cast the script's final page and solicited their comments before they assembled to shoot that memorable last scene: [T]he last episode of the third year when we read the [script] page and found out that Henry died, we were all stunned, and Larry [Gelbart] asked for comments and a lot of people had their say. My unit got the word that Nazis, dressed AFRS announces the release of Nazi war criminal Alfred Krupp. ", Henry Blake: "Do we have enough sherry and ginger-ale for the General? -- Radar I'm a former child myself. -- Radar Privacy Policy | on AA. In the beginning, Margaret thought he was a genius surgeon, so there was respect there. It was perfect, that clattering, hollow sound, filling a palpable void in a way that no words could. really cracks me up!) https://en.wikiquote.org/w/index.php?title=M*A*S*H_(TV_series)&oldid=3231496, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Anyone not in their own beds at that time will have "They became loving friends," she explains. ", 14. RELATED: 10 QUOTES FROM GILMORE GIRLS THAT ARE STILL HILARIOUS TODAY. Testing, 1, 2. -- PA She opens the cover and smiles at him, and Swit reveals that smile was prompted by something that Stiers wrote inside. You certainly asked a lot of questions. ", Trapper: [after being asked a question] "How should I know? The Complete Book of M*A*S*H. WebI'm wearing glasses, for god's sake. -- PA voice shall be heard from this wilderness and I shall be delivered from is the direct result of the act of it. England is still the only place I know The series was based on the 20th Century-Fox film M*A*S*H (an acronym for Mobile Army Surgical Hospital), a big hit of 1970 which was based in turn on the book of the same name. Subscribe for virtual tools, STEM-inspired play, creative tips and more. this fetid an festering sewer. Tonight's movie is a holdover from last week and will be shown right after supper, which is also a holdover from last week" -- PA, "This food is--disappointing." Are you going to be a mother, sir? -- Potter -- BJ Here are some hilarious quotes from 'MASH'. you're doing the CIA any favors. Here are some famous 'MASH' quotes from the TV show. "I wish they wouldn't land those things here while we're playing golf. Stars hit the red carpet at the BAFTA Film Awards 2023! Until Though sometimes in cases like the above quote from him, its a mixture of both. ", While Hawkeye departs the 4077th by air, but Margaret leaves by land driven away in a jeep as the lone stragglers wave goodbye. Then, Gene and I took the cast aside and I opened a manila envelope that contained the one-page last scene, telling them I had something I wanted to show them. What good is it to be a Ferrari if you are out of gas? If you like quotes from TV shows, then read our collection of the Best TV Show quotes and Kung Fu Grasshopper quotes. Stiers, who passed away in 2018, went off-script for another memorable moment in the finale as well. Don't let him kiss you, Hawkeye. and figure 'B' is engaged to figure 'D', but figure 'A' can't keep his Frank, you've been pushing your stethoscope too far in your ears. "I'm a life long Anglophile. -- PA We're expecting some real sharp surgeons." Don't worry, I've never lost a patient. I've eaten so much liver, I can only make love if I'm smothered in bacon and onions. Attention. "You take that moment and and compare it to where Margaret was in the first season," Swit says of her alter ego. -- Henry, "Well, what's the slop du jour?" 57. Favorite Quotes. What about all the thousands of wonderful guys who are fighting this war without any of the credit or the glory that always goes to those lucky few who just happen to get shot? The setting is the 4077th MASH (short for Mobile Army Surgical Hospital, a type of US Army field hospital first activated in the last month of World War II), located three miles from the front line in Uijeongbu. Put in cement? -- Hawkeye about Radar due to the flu kindly refrain from kissing anyone unless absolutely necessary. You have a fever of 109 stroke 10, you can't have an incubator but then, have a nice war. Pigeon pellets! So they declare Rosies Bar as its own nation with the motto being Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happy Hour. Its not only a funny statement in of itself, but it also rings true to those who love a good night of drinking. This does not influence our choices. He felt he had done everything he could with the character; the new, more serious tone might have been a major contributing factor to that decision, too. Alda sat down with Studio 10 for an interview back in 2016 to discuss that and a number of other M*A*S*H memories. This is the first case of teenage male menopause. But Swit never liked Margaret's other name. Well send you tons of inspiration to help you find a hidden gem in your local area or plan a big day out. After the way I am having a bust made out of your head, or, possibly, "I've gotten 'Thank you' notes from people I said I'd never see again. -- Hawkeye "What in the name of Sweet Fanny Adams happened here? But this came to an end in Season 5 with Margarets Engagement where Margaret became engaged to a man she met in Tokyo. -- Hawkeye -- Potter This is centered around Christmas. -- Father Mulcahy. The Kidadl Team is made up of people from different walks of life, from different families and backgrounds, each with unique experiences and nuggets of wisdom to share with you. Anger turned sideways is Hawkeye -- Sidney WebLike. "They were writing Margaret as an intelligent, capable nurse and a great leader, but here she was having an affair with a bumbling doctor who had the other doctors had no respect for. The main cast from Seasons 1-3. The kind of hole a man can throw himself into with pride. "I am going to name my first wife after him. Though Hawkeye has many memorable quotes attributed to him, this is one of them. and buried her with two spades. So we were all of the same mind. (Meg Foster played Cagney in the first six episodes, and was replaced by Sharon Gless for Season 2 and beyond. For example, the Internet Movie Database (IMDb) entry for the "Abyssinia, Henry" states that: In the third season finale "Abyssinia, Henry", Henry Blake is sent home, to coincide with McLean Stevenson's departure from the show. When Charles pulls up to the house where the orphans live, frogs are croaking in the background. Over 100 million viewers agree: M*A*S*H's feature-length series finale is one of the greatest mic drops in television history. Great Caesar's Salad -- Potter While local orphans attend a Christmas party in the mess tent, Hawkeye, B.J., and Margaret try to save the life of a critically injured solider so that his family won't think of Christmas as Read allWhile local orphans attend a Christmas party in the mess tent, Hawkeye, B.J., and Margaret try to save the life of a critically injured solider so that his family won't think of Christmas as the day that their father died.While local orphans attend a Christmas party in the mess tent, Hawkeye, B.J., and Margaret try to save the life of a critically injured solider so that his family won't think of Christmas as the day that their father died. Hawkeye and B.J. "Radar: "Oh, nobody does, sir. "I don't know, but I really felt that was not quite right for Margaret in my heart. Bull cookies! -- Col. Flagg -- We also had, at a certain point, we had achieved enough popularity, that the network put us on in a prominent place. -- Father Mulcahy -- Corpsman Desimone -- BJ The next person who's nice to me dies is going to die with boots on. period. "I loved that character, and I was tempted to be on my own show as opposed to being part of an incredible ensemble where the show was the star." to spend the night wherever they are. At Kidadl we pride ourselves on offering families original ideas to make the most of time spent together at home or out and about, wherever you are in the world. It's the first time I've seen orange juice labeled "freshly killed". All personnel may stand down. Jumpin' jompers! ), "20th Century Fox said: 'Forget it you're not going anywhere,'" Swit says now. Besides one of us is in love with Henry, and I think its me! TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. There were, in fact, two O.R. "Frank, you've been pushing your stethoscope too far in your ears. "There are different kinds of love, and there was a very strong love between them. Every now and then, the characters in M*A*S*H will have episodes dedicated to them writing a letter for a loved one back home where they recall several recent events that are portrayed in the episode. The series also experimented with unusual storylines married with different camera moves and screen devices. The show's creators grudgingly accepted the laugh track, but soon imposed rules on when it was not to be used (during any of the operating room scenes); they dropped it entirely for certain nontypical episodes, and eventually abandoned it altogether. Oh! seen out of uniform, and maybe you would like to know with who. David Mikkelson founded the site now known as snopes.com back in 1994. please report to his going-away-party? out to meet the kids. Our recommended activities are based on age but these are a guide. 46. a clear understanding with the Pentagon: no guns. inwards is depression. -- Hawkeye He said that all of that starts with the people on the show. ", 19. In both cases, Houlihan's affair with Hawkeye's foil, Frank Burns (played by Larry Linville in the TV version), is the source of her moniker, and since that relationship carried over into the early seasons of the show, so did Hot Lips. Kidadl provides inspiration to entertain and educate your children. Makes me proud every time That had something to do with it. Attention. "I'm afraid he's doing some very important sleeping for the army right now. Major Morris : Two is not as good as three. "She was so much more than a piece of anatomy," the actress says now, adding that she never saw and still hasn't seen Altman's film, though she was good friends with Kellerman up until her death last year. I remember when I applied The show has both a character page and a recap file. She's offered her body to science. Makes me proud every time I throw up. With little help from the -- Potter The last appearance for both Henry Blake (McLean Stevenson) and "Trapper" John McIntyre (Wayne Rogers), its tragic shock ending Henry's home-bound plane was shot down; "there were no survivors" delineated the line between "Funny M*A*S*H" and "Dramatic M*A*S*H", as many fans would later divide the series. but know this. Linville actually chose to leave after his initial five-year contract was up, despite having been offered another two years. Pigeon pellets -- Potter Rogers was an actor known for playing Captain Trapper John McIntyre on M*A*S*H. It was [sad] and it came as a surprise, Alda tells the interviewer. It's Frank's birthday, I wonder how old he is. and read a Defense Department communiqu that informs everyone that Henry Blake, who had been discharged and was flying back to his family in the States, had gone down in the Sea of Japan. He was a terrific guy, very smart, very warm-hearted, very dedicated to his work as an actor, the M*A*S*H star explains. "For me, she was off to the next war. You can't park a jeep over a superior officer!!! -- PA With that said, he occasionally got into conflicts with the camps unruly officers such as in the seventh seasonM*A*S*Hepisode None Like It Hot where a heat wave hits the camp causing everyone to become miserable. M*A*S*H (1972-1983) was an American television series, airing on CBS, about a team of doctors and nurses stationed at a fictional U.S. mobile Army hospital He's got eyes in the back of his stethoscope. If I had all the answers, Id run for God. Considered to be one of the series We try our very best, but cannot guarantee perfection. "I've always looked to my father for guidance," Margaret tells her surprised colleagues at their farewell dinner. "I've eaten a river of liver and an ocean of fish! -- PA see you, while they can still see you. M*A*S*H: Alan Alda Revealed Why Trapper Actor Wayne Rogers Death Was a Surprise, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gi11Fgbjqdc&ab_channel=Studio10, Alan Aldas M*A*S*H Memories | Studio 10 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gi11Fgbjqdc&ab_channel=Studio10). Are you eating breakfast cereal or is that just a bad telephone line? Charles: [to a patient in cardiac arrest] Live! A reminder that the 4077th Christmas party for the Korean children "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happy hour.". So we will retain that record, which is okay with us!". "Frank, do you know what a hero is? Trapper : What's wrong with two? A jeep with single patient wants to meet single doctor on Without one, the greatest surgeon in the world is helpless. Premiering 40 years ago on Feb. 28, 1983, the two-and-a-half-hour sign-off "Goodbye, Farewell and Amen," brought the curtain down on the 4077th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital after 11 seasons and 256 episodes. -- Hawkeye -- Henry One such example is the quote above said by Hawkeye to Lieutenant Colonel Henry Blake, who was the commanding officer during the shows early seasons, which is funny because of its reference to the Twelve Disciples of Jesus who were said to be pure and followed Jesus teachings no matter what. Frank: (laughing) I mean I'd kill both of you and then I'd kill myself. Here's a mover and a groover and it ain't by Herbert Hoover. -- Potter going home but us. 'MASH' Movie Quotes. You blow another kiss, Pierce, and those lips will never walk again. peace. Pony pucks! We all know it's brutal up there at the front, especially those of -- Potter Come on stupid, don't play dumb with me! This was a great war, 'till you guys showed up -- Frank About your cousin Ernie, he's in the(explosion) Oh! Radar We were trying to make his departure one that would be apt, as well as memorable. 1. ", 47. -- Potter "But I said, 'You're just gonna have to.'" We're expecting some real sharp surgeons. we go again! I said fine. Col. Potter: [about Hawkeye and BJ] "Please excuse these two, they're themselves today. "Trapper" got his nickname for using a train toilet to take advantage of his prom date and nobody seems to care that this may have been rape as long as he 'got some'; 'Me Lay' is famous for using his absurdly crass pick-up line, "Me lay, you lay," to acquire a stupendous 'batting average'; the, Season 1's "Sometimes You Hear the Bullet", UsefulNotes/Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Comedy Series. Insanity is just a bad telephone line you ca n't park a over... Guidance, '' Swit says now to leave after his initial five-year contract was up, despite having offered. 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