While we are still emerging from the rubble of recent hardships weve faced, well find that a resurgence of hope begins to return to us. According to psychological astrologer Jennifer Freed, 2022 will be an opportunity for reevaluation, repair, and rapid expansion. This election is still known as the tightest and closest election in U.S. history. Why do American Schools Start so Early and Bad or Good for Students? More information onConsultationsandForecast Webinarsare at his websitewww.williamstickevers.com. Politics Latest Predictions. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. With 150 million souls coming in each year, we are getting close to critical mass developing new forms. Globalization is inevitable if not, find yourself a nice museum society that lives in the past. Aye, theres the rub! This is a great time to channel your thoughts into art to uncover. This transit will bring radically new ways that we can solve problems of everyday life. Saturn at the fulcrum depicts several things voter (Mercury) suppression (Saturn); an explosion (Uranus) of frustration (Saturn) from the people (Moon); or a revolution (Uranus) against the curtailment (Saturn) of womens reproductive rights (Venus) among them. 2023 March Monthly Horoscope of 12 Zodiac Signs - Best Astrological Prediction for Love, Money, Career and Health: Top Luckiest Zodiac Signs, Unluckiest Zodiac Signs, Lucky Number, Lucky Color. The mystics in the world can threaten the established forms. 85.5% Accuracy Track Record. Reality was broken, as Neptune left the Rational Air sign of Aquarius and entered a Water sign, a sign with no sense of boundaries! Pushing a vaccine sets some people up to resist and resist at all costs. Through the generations, it was stated that it was finalized at 2:15am. Neptune in Pisces will also manifest great Spiritual Delusions. So we cant really rate each Partys chances one-on-one. Banned in Europe, grained-based foods do not have the same detrimental effect. Later in the year, Mays Mercury Rx will pass through the signs of Gemini and Taurus, which could have major implications in your social and home life. According to the stars, the coming year can be divided into two distinct periods: a very favorable time during the first half of the year, and trouble during the second half. Also, Pluto, the planet of rebirth, will undergo a return to the exact same position it was in when the United States was born. Damocles represents the doom hanging overhead, about to fall at any moment. A"seer" had warned Caesar of a risk to his life no later than the Ides of March. We saw this with the spontaneous conversions into radical Islam in the poor communities in the world. It was a time of dissolving structures and these Souls will be called to reform and bring in the newer structures. Population shifts, massive shifts, triggered by natural disasters and rising water levels have occurred in the past. Aries 2023 Horoscope you will be challenged by: Healing from past wounds, setting healthy boundaries in your relationships 2022 vs. 2023 for Aries In 2022 you wanted moreindependence In 2023 you'll want moresecurity Read about Aries love, career and more in 2023 Washington astrologer, Warren Kinsman, justified the timing was saying that the probably worked into the late hours to get the job done. For the 2022 U.S. as of November 8, 2022: This is the result of Neptune in Capricorn as well as a result of this transit, news programs no longer had to be balanced, giving both points of viewgiving rise to Hysteria Radio/TV. Baba Varga was clear that on a political level, this was going to be a turbulent year. Barbara Watters said that the American people are very Gemini the country was divided, we are divided by Red and Blue, developments do not last in Rockville MD, in the 1970s, they torn down the historic section, built a Mall and then within 20 years, they tore down the Mall! The population did not want to hear this and voted him out. -L.C., CAG Member, William, your ETH call is bad ass, its smashing out of the park. In our constitution, the new administration always begins at 12pm ET on January 20 (or 21st if the 20th falls on a Sunday), regardless of the time of the swearing in. This comes from the Neptune in Capricorn Cycle with Greed is Good.. -A.C., GTA Member, It keeps you abreast of current events and strategies for bringing abundance and information/understanding into life. Most of the Mercury retrogrades will start in air signs confusing our minds and communication but end in earth signs meaning that our plans arent creating the results wed been after. (Incidentally, Donald Trump barges into this mix, in the form of asteroid Troemper at 16 Sag, conjunct Karma, opposed Achilles and T-Squared Nemesis if his hand-picked candidates for this election fail to win, his underlying weakness will be exposed, perhaps leading to a political downfall at last.). -L.J., GTA Member, I just jumped off your first Crypto webinarI loved it !!! Find out what this means and much more in this original article provided by Astrologer Salvador Russo & Mystic Amari of Starseed Astrology. Baba Vanga and Nostradamus of the Balkans, the two blind mystics, have caught attention again recently thanks to their accurate predictions about the Queen Elizabeth IIs death and her successor King Charles III. Here is Nostradamus' prediction in the 10th quatrain of Centuria III: Of blood and hunger greater calamity / Seven times appreciate to the marine beach / Monech of hunger, place taken, captivity.. This raises the specter of the overturning (NOT) of Roe v Wade (Roe), which the administration (Bida) and the Party in general (Demokritos) staunchly opposes (NOT), and which could align the nation (America) firmly on the side of President Biden (America conjunct Bida) in this issue over healthcare (Chiron). As the last outer planet, Neptune, changed signs, many things that we know now will disappear, never to be seen again. Another famous astrologer, Silver DeLong, used 7am (the opening of the poles) in Washington DC. The worst earthquake for this country will involved the New Madras fault that, if triggered, will portend the Edgar Cayce predictions that the Great Lakes will eventually flow into the Mississippi and divide the U.S. with a great waterway. Lending support for the vital role the decision overturning Roe v Wade will play in this election is asteroid Wade, which at 18 Virgo exactly opposes asteroid Nemesis at 18 Pisces, a point indicating ruin or downfall. It was Reagan aligning with the religious far right that things began to change with Republicans. I am first going to approach this from an esoteric perspective. Many people in the U.S. are developing intolerance to these GMO grains. According to a lecture at the National Endowment for Democracy (established under Reagan), the speaker said that, when big corporations own the government, the politics and the working class move towards the Conservative Right. It takes a long time to look through the ephemeris so see when the personal planets are in the same sign and then degree with outers. Fascism is not about a political party at this time. Neptune entering Pisces brings the dissolution of boundaries and the awareness of Leaderless Mobs, devoid of logic and reason (no Air signs). Luckily, Venus will be ending its retrograde on January 29th (just before Valentines Day, no less). The effects of the health crisis are wreaking havoc, but the medium also prophesied something else: a great crisis throughout Europe. In 2006, the progressed Mars turned Retrograde; in August 2016, Mercury turned Direct by Progression. Election Day 2022 promises to be quite a stunner, a supercharged day which is, ultimately, unpredictable. However, in doing so, the corporate policies work against its workers. In 2010, I conducted research by using the transit of Uranus in Aries over natal Eris. Some of these people are in recovery from seeking Spirit through alcohol or drugs. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to William Stickevers and www.williamstickevers.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Thank you for your delivery style and all the hard work you put into the presentationwell done !! The global economies have been dramatically affected as T Pluto activates the 2nd/8th Houses in the Sibley chart. Where are these laws now? This ended the relocation goals. We are embarking upon a cycle in which the Earth is rebelling against how humans have treated it. When a Coronal Mass Ejection hits the Earth, major earthquakes occur. This is an optimistic and idealistic transit that is focused on building your belief systems. (It may be the biggest in history!) Find out about the general mood for the year and the trends thatll affect you, as well as the United States and the world at large! They are now turning 18-24 and going out into the world. This spring eclipse could be a time of intense feelings, as a Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio is poised to double down on deep-seated emotions. In addition to China as an economic giant, countries like Russia would have the odd event, such as the alleged assassination attempt on Vladimir Putin. Most Auspicious Dates and Days to do Everything In Every Month of 2023: Engagement, Wedding, Moving House, Buying Car, Child Birth, etc. As a Gemini people, we give a vocabulary to issues and feelings that are picked up by other nations. Your email address will not be published. There was no need for rebellion the Wall fell upon its own weight and oppressed people felt liberated as they walked through the opened Wall. In this latter part of the cycle, terrorism is internalportending a Civil War once again when Uranus in in Gemini and Neptune is in Aries, in the 2020s and 2030s. People are simply looking for identity, feeling overwhelmed by massive changes, by influences they cannot understand or cope. With the Dark coming to the surface, strike and turmoil will manifest in the world. Political party: Independent (1991-1995; 2001-2008; 2012-present) Other political This years eclipse season may challenge your ideas of comfort and stability, especially around your home life. Unfortunately, its not a fair cosmic fight, because we dont really have a good asteroid referent for the Republican Party. Be at ease, Cayce said that Los Angeles and San Francisco would be gone long before New York City, especially Manhattan Island. There are those who fear the sweeping changes occurring in society now. There may be changes in labor relations, in our banking and financial institutions and, for the biggest Resistors, the super rich will have to assume responsibility for the economic crises and pay more taxes. There is an alignment for future inaugurations that concerns me for many years, the Sun will conjunct Pluto in Aquarius starting with the 2025 inauguration. I responded: I have observed this planet is fundamentally positive but only recently I have seen its involvement with health issues. He briefly visited Pisces from May 13, 2021, until July 28, 2021 so reflect back on how your life felt during that time and what was happening because youre going to experience similar themes in 2022! For what reasons might the capital be besieged? Many people are curious about Nostradamus Predictions for 2021. Ranking of the most beautiful men in the world and by country, by field - Top 10, Top 15, Top 20, etc. It is something I really have to think about it is not always easy. Let's see what they are. Some astrologers predicted that the U.S. would fall from being a major power. As with all final phases, you harvest what you have sown in the past. The seer had said that there would be devastating earthquakes and floods, among other things, destroying most living creatures in coastal areas. Social media will be a hot point of contention at the end of the year. Her quote from the article. Our Consciousness needs to resonate to the energies of the new Object. The ones who are not in tune will go to Saturn where all uncleaned flesh goes to be remolded. Check out the list right below to see the rankings made by these two renowned websites. Yet, these souls are being condemned to exist in the old forms, medicated or medicated with technology. 444 correct. There might even be a Bubble in the stock market. Just before Jeanne passed away, she discussed Neptune in Pisces and Mass Madness and the addiction to Fake News. But all things being equal, it does appear that the Democrats are in for what Obama would term, a shellacking. When Saturn last transited Pisces, even though it was well aspected to the outer planets, it was not an easy time. Not only because of the destruction of the United States but because, as a consequence, it seems that China will crown itself as the great superpower worldwide. Interesting, the Democrats are talking about the danger of losing Democracy, which would be a manifestation of Demokritos, Grieve, America & NOT. On April 6, 2020, Ray Merriman wrote a long article for ISAR and this is a part of his article that rings in accord with Alice Howell: The concept of a new era for humanity is now being realized by those outside of our discipline. Whatever it is that you wish for whether its personal or professional or a dearly held dream you can more easily see it manifest when you step into your power, take the lead and initiate action. To me, it looks like Uranus is not only weakened in Taurus, its immobile. Record of the Previous House Projections here. Biden has just taken the reins of a country mired in a deep economic and social crisis, and it seems that the seer would not have predicted a too positive future. March 02, 2023 01:47 | About us | Contact | RSS facebook/knowinsidertoday. In her lectures, Jeanne Mozier used to make a prediction for each of the signs. Neptune in Pisces will herald new types of medicine alternative medicine is more popular than ever. When it entered Sagittarius, AIDS did not go away but it was put on the back burner of our concerns as new, effective medications replaced the cocktail of drugs that did not always work. As per Vig, due to the mercury retrograde which began on May 29, 2021, the planet of communication, commerce, and travel is moving backward until June 22, 2021. The Sign in which Pluto transits denotes the world crises focus, the terrorism of the moment and what needs to be transformed in the current social order. The political consequences of this assassination were profound. Cayce said that we are in the END TIMES as prophesized in the Book of Daniel. He was saying this just before Barack Obama was elected. Transpluto having moved into its ruling sign of Virgo will eventually herald new medical techniques that work with mind-body-spirit, since Transpluto rules wholeness and integration. All rights reserved Email: editor@knowinsiders.com. See post at the end of this lecture. Resistance is powerful with Uranus in Taurus. The Zero Degree is inchoate not yet developed. The Gemini chart most accurately describes the American people. The eclipses well be experiencing in 2022 fall on the Taurus-Scorpio axis. Are you and your love interest meant to be? According to him, there is a chance of yet another wave in India and US during Dec 2021-Feb 2022. On one hand, there could be some troubling news, scandals or fear that is caused near those times. His work harnesses the power of the stars in regards to entertainment lifestyle and trends affecting people worldwide. If the politicians do not adhere to the demands of the companies, they will pack up and move to a country who will adhere to their demands. Why? All things financial will be turned upside down. Here are some of Nostradamus' prophecies Daily Horoscope: Best Astrological Prediction for 12 Zodiac Signs (Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Scorpio, Capricorn, Leo , Libra, Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, Cancer) in love, relationship, money, career and health, etc. A NEW CYCLE: Jupiter conjunct Saturn at 0 Aquarius. Pluto will be in Capricorn until 2024: This is a cycle for breaking down our structures and institutions to molecular level so that the new can manifest. Our communication networks are in the hands of a very few people so that our news is filtered through their personal, biased perspective. Just be sure not to let memories of the past dictate your vision of the future. If you have a planet being aspected at an Ending Degree, it is time to shut the door and move on. We always recover but it marked a recessive period. Finances, Politics, etc 144,447 views Premiered Dec 4, 2021 2022 World Predictions with. We usually have three a year, but 2022 has four! All the 2022 world astrology predictions made by Baba Vanga, Nostradamus, and other famous astrologers force us to look with maximum concern at what will happen in the near future. This is a month where we feel like we can get "back to life." It's a Lucky Month as well. You would think that this occurred often as a conjunction to a personal planet but it does not! Both interpretations were correct. Currently, I have observed some born at the time move into a selfless, humanitarian direction. With the Earth Changes, we will see a mass migration to warmer areas. Our current job market is expanding while less desirable jobs go wanting. -J.L., CAG Member, Thank you for the amazing, recent presentations on GTA and your premiere CAG. This Pluto transit makes me believe that the collective isnt ripe for democracy at all. And this indeed tells the tale with the House of Representatives (House) potentially in play, will House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (McCarthy) become the new Speaker, and stymie (opposition) the administrations (Whitehouse) agenda? The awareness of the new consciousness commences at 1 degree, but becomes obvious at 15 degrees. First and foremost, 2022 will be a better year than recent ones. The so-called swarm intelligence is still wanting to follow the most talented Pied Piper. It is an incredible resource of guidance and updated information on how to go forward. -A.D., GTA Member, William, your ETH call is bad ass, its smashing out of the park. Glaciers will continue to melt, and there's no way to stop it. Africas draughts and terrorist regimes create mass migrations. Pluto will complete its return in the sign of Capricorn, creating a potentially society-altering juxtaposition of power and change. EDGAR CAYCE PREDICTIONS from John Van Auken. Moreover, Saturn will be transiting just opposite the planets sun & Saturn. There was a president of this country to recognized the impact that global warming would have. Many respected economic and mundane astrologers have predicted a great civil war. By around June 24, things may be pretty much under control.". Too many politicians are in the pockets of corporations. Early in my career, I observed that people born with Saturn in Aquarius were very rebellious of authority. Login $ 0.00 . Dis-information is a step in the direction of dismantling Democracies around the world. Astrologers predict that 2022 will bring "enlightenment, glow . International borders, travel and restrictions will be major points of contention, as we will seek to be more united, but are in essence more focused domestically. She said that our country needs leaders who are in tune with the energies at the time. This page will be updated regularly with new projections leading up to the November 8th Midterm Election. So let's find out, for British-Americans, what are the 10 hardest languages to learn! While much of 2022's astrology signifies change on the global stage, this year's eclipses are in the signs of Scorpio and Taurusthis is where things start to get personal. Questions and Answers About 2022 Predictions I am circling back to this feature about 2022 in astrology and psychic prediction, as the video has now. A Maryland farmer is cultivating manure that normally pollutes the ground water and going into our Chesapeake Bay. Midterm Too Close To Call Elections , 2016 U.S. Presidential General Election Electoral College , 2016 U.S. Presidential Primary Elections , 2014 U.S. Kim-Jong Un would thus be the victim of an unexpected accident. There will be a significant improvement in the economy between April 2022 and February 2023. As long people are unwilling to think, decide or take responsibility by themselves and for themselves, this will still work for a while but no for long. Among other things, Ixion is noted for entitlement, which can be related to Constitutional rights such as privacy, impinged by the SCOTUS decision to overturn Roe, as well as the Entitlement State pursued by Democrats; and Plunge suggests a devastating fall from a height, which Democrats losing control of both the House and Senate would certainly qualify as. She said that CoVid would transform our economy. Last to mention is the most famous: Mercury retrograde. Where it fell in your chart portends a 20 years cycle for change. The political regimes and dictatorships that developed from this were not what Marx had in mind. Neptune rules states of mind the dream world, the meditative, inspired and even confused states of mind. It may become especially difficult to make decisions, communicate your needs accurately, or stay on task. Crops in Europe, especially France, failed which fueled revolutions. In Sagittarius, the new terrorism was fueled by religious fanaticism not just by Moslem extremists but Christian fundamentalism as well. After it is over, only then will people become aware of the delusions they held. Alex is a frequent contributor to The Mountain Astrologer, Daykeeper Journal, and NCGRs Journals and Enews Commentary; his work has also appeared in Aspects magazine, Dell Horoscope, Planetwaves, Neptune Caf and Sasstrology. He is a past president of Philadelphia Astrological Society, and a former board member for the Philadelphia Chapter of NCGR. Escape, withdrawal and the loss of boundaries will occur due to the speed that people are able to connect instantly. Now we are half-way through the year. It is easy to influence the masses, as long as there is a (seemingly) realistic promise for better living. Asteroid Nancy at 22 Leo opposed Saturn at 18 Aquarius and Damocles at 25 Aquarius, T-Squared the Venus/Washingtonia conjunction at 20 Scorpio, also suggests a possible doom hanging overhead (Damocles) for Nancy Pelosi (Nancy), as the most powerful woman (Venus) in DC (Washingtonia), who may find herself limited or restricted in some way (Saturn), reinforcing the sense that McCarthy will indeed get her job. Do seek the Principle of Order and the Principle of Enlightenment on a higher level rise above the fray. In this current cycle, the youth will start the revolution because there is no place for them in the working world with older ones working longer and retiring later. The Czech Republic is the only country that is not dependent upon big corporations to support their economy. The eclipses in the first half of the year are better but the ones in the second half of the year are pretty challenging, so lie low when they appear. I totally agree with his statement. In the cycle of 1981, the marriage of Charles to Diana brought a major, far-reaching shift in the monarchy of Great Britain. In hisCrypto Astrology Group (CAG) membership, members attend twice monthly webinars and have a resource library to give members a high-level perspective on Bitcoin, DeFi, and the Crypto Ecosystem without the hype, euphoria, FOMO, and fear that is often found in other non-astrological crypto groups. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Reiterating that the battle is far from over, noted astrologers say that its time to start learning from the mistakes of the first and second waves. Rebellious Uranus is likely to present us with some groundbreaking ideas and a potentially inspiring (if unconventional) new life path. Bill Sarubbi (Meridian) states that, in May 2031, humanity will be forced to make a choice between the Higher Self and the lower self. Psychologically, they do not want an authority figure to tell them what to do. We've received your submission. He discussed the conjunctions to the personal planets and how they impact individuals. Green Revolution to GMO crops, poisoning the land and the people Many people are becoming Vegan. The key will be to find a middle ground. People who do not believe in psychic energy are in for a shock, especially when they start having visions. Recently, on several daytime talk shows, there have been discussions of Past Life Regression and Near-Death experiences. That means there will be more important debates around a governments power to impose restrictions upon its people, as well as where freedom and liberty lie. These souls are already here, capable of vibrating to the new energies, and incoming souls will be imprinted with new consciousness. Record of the Previous House Projections here, as of November 8, 2022 While inflationary trends have already begun, Neptune in a Fire sign always triggers an inflationary cycle. As one of the outer planets, Plutos path is a slow one, meaning it hasnt made a full revolution in 225 years! Some have gone through recent losses of loved ones. Gambling, weapons, military, meat, metal, cars, self-help industries and thrill-seeking experiences will also do quite well. This means that globally, well be seeing major shifts around the themes of wealth, economics, banks, stock markets and real estate. When Pluto enters Aquarius, the new terrorism will occur through the internet which has already started. Christeen Skinner: Between 2023-26, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto change signs, triggering major global changes, especially in 2026 when the Saturn-Neptune conjunction occurs at 0 Aries, a World Point. Not long after the International Spy Museum in Washington DC opened, they had an exhibition called Insurgency Within. I immediately saw that Uranus-Mars was in the 1st House, describing the American people who are insurgent by nature. The second half of 2022 also becomes more turbulent with the release of certain secrets and Republicans become more powerful. Currently, we have just had our last Saturn-Uranus square, triggering a peak in the pandemic health crises. With more than 200 countries and more than 8 billion people on Earth, there are countless strange and interesting facts that you may not know! Jupiters retrograde can shake your sense of purpose and duty, leading you to question your broader long-term goals in life. I realize that many people mail in their ballots but this is not the official timing. ), two Funai Media events in Tokyo, Japan, the United Astrology Conference (2018), for the National Council for Geocosmic Research (NYC, Long Island, New Jersey, San Francisco, Milwaukee chapters), American Federation of Astrologers (Los Angeles), the Astrological Society of Connecticut, the San Francisco Astrological Society, and in Europe (Munich and Bucharest) and Japan (Tokyo, Osaka, Yokohama). Jupiter and Neptune only find themselves in this position once every 13 years, so mark your calendars this April! Personally, I feel that many people caught in the trap of the Neptune will just be more delusional. The ability for people to think in the abstract came with Neptunes discovery. This form of terrorism is here now with hackers in Russia blackmailing corporations by locking down their computer systems. This conjunction occurred in Libra so there was a theme of changing relationships personal and global.