Treadwell was, and did, none of these. 2002, Great Montana Bear Stories: Riverbend Publishing. Dont ask me why because I cant explain it myself, and many people would never understand it, even if I were able to explain it. In the last few minutes of the film, we see Tim walking across the tidal flats with two red fox following close behind. Ranger Ellis fires 11 times while rangers Gilliland and Dalrymple each fire 5 times, dropping the bear 12 feet away. If they had gotten on the plane that day he would have been alive. He left his parents nearly nothing, which also could indicate his distant relationship with both of them. Unless this is all the info you have of course. My experience with camps like this is, there is always at least some garbage, trash or other food items laying around. Duh. Easy to see. And sadly his girlfriend lost her life too hanging out with a fool. One scene that was not included in the movie was of Jewel Palovak and pilot Willy Fulton looking down on the decayed carcass of a young sub-adult bear. (Treadwell 2001). A video camera was recovered at the site that proved to have been operating during the attack, but police said that the six-minute tape contained only voices and cries as a brown bear mauled Treadwell to death. Sorry Jewel Palovak, but tis seems more like censorship than respect.. Grizzly Man chronicles the life and death of bear enthusiast Timothy Treadwell, who was killed, along with his girlfriend, Amie Huguenard, by a rogue bear in October 2003. Possibly in his mind, he thought that if he didnt pose a threat to these animals, that they would ignore him and leave him alone, Timothy Treadwell was wrong. I've read just about everything about this incident and it really just sums up to a delusional man with "no family", claiming to protect bears, gets himself killed and his gf and two bears because he doesn't understand nor respects wild life. Wildlife biologist, Alaska Department of Fish and Game. At 4:26 pm the team arrive at the lake, and ranger Ellis conducts a quick interview with Willy Fulton. Because he was not attacked says more for the bears than to Tims expertise in handling aggressive bears. If so, his concern for people killing fox then placed those very fox he was so desperate to protect in even greater danger the next time they encounter a human and expect to be fed. At any rate, the attack was in progress when the camera was turned on. There were a lot of questions in my head.thanks to this article im clear.the only question i have is what really happened to Amy?why she die? Timothy was clearly INSANE. But keep in mind, Amie was a smart girl, she was a physicians assistant after all, no small feat. Why weren't you there for him??? I feel as you do, he did much more damage than good for the bears he was studying. Tim was a lot more adventurous.Before I became a cop, in 1972 some idiot pulled a gun on me on Ipanema Beach in Rio. The sound of Amie screaming very loudly, as Tim is clearly heard over the sounds of the storm, saying Amie get away, get away, go away. This article has brought reality close to home, and I am grateful for it. Any mistakes are mine alone, and hopefully I will catch them sooner or later. I truly believe if there were more Treadwells this world would have been a better place for humans and animals. I watched the docu and it was very engrossing. However, Amie is clearly heard yelling to Fight back! She is then heard screaming Stop! Egli, Sam. I believe that, had Tim not walked away from the tent and towards the bear, and had stayed with Amie, or had they both left the tent and backed away from the tent giving the bear room, that the bear would not have attacked and both Tim and Amie would be alive today. This could have very well been me. Calling him nuts. Treadwell, was incapable to discern between his "bears" previous behaviour and the one incident of a malnourished bear having a migraine, right before their monthly period ( if you know what I mean) People also behave differently during times of stress and do very messed up things. Toxic wastewater from East Palestine dumped in Texas; locals furious, Were dying slowly East Palestine residents complain of worsening health problems despite being given the all clear by Biden regime, Army Chief: If Major War Breaks Out, China To Attack U.S. He was incredibly lucky for 13 years and his luck ran out due to his reckless behavior. Thats the risk we have to take to see the last remaining symbol of wilderness. I also believe it was edited out of respect for Amy. But I don't really think so, I think he was just the Average, Common Ass, Garden Variety Insanely ARROGANT, Narcissistic Human Privileged American- Dangerously Clueless, all the while THINKING He actually has a Clue, when everyone around him KNOWS he Truly does not know the difference between Shit and Shine-ola. What caused the first fatal bear attack in Katmai National Park history? And everyone saw it coming except him. I respect the man. Trying to get up close to wolves results from scientific and personal curiosity. Jewel Palovak also states in her interview, that Tim was working with the park service, providing them with information on boat traffic, weather and other data collected. Timothy Treadwell knew these things, but he decided to do what he did anyway. He loved nature. Dalrymple, Derek. The Actor Of Upcoming Series Pistol, Gia Zavala Damon: Net Worth, Bio, Age, Ethnicity, Height, Wiki, Relationship, Lee Jae-Wook: Bio, Age, Career, Relationship, Height, Net Worth, Cynthia Wallace: Bio, Age, Career, Relationship, Height, Net Worth, Bananirou: Bio, Age, Career, Relationship, Height, Net Worth, Kelsie Flaim: Bio, Age, Career, Relationship, Height, Net Worth. Thanks for the informative article!That said, youve overlooked the possibility that Tim died because he was gay and that the bear was a homophobe. Every thought, every bear, every encounter, virtually every moment of every day, so that the camera became an extension of his body, and to think that Amie somehow knew that she and Tim were going to die that night is hard to believe. There are no pictures from Timothy Treadwell's death. For starters, he changed his last name to his mother's maiden name. He assumed the risk of putting himself in the worst possible situation (hungry bears already late to start hibernating for the winter and scarce food to be found). Without discussion. Some readers may find the following information and examination disturbing. 2001, Discovery Channel on camera interview. Nice writing, straight facts and authors feelings and opinions later also on point. My horses have taught me much about the body language of animals. I honestly dont think he did any harm out there. Readers Digest. This is by far the best summary of the events, all of the others articles and videos are biased either in support or againts, but yours is impartial, you wrote this soo well it feels as if you're telling me this yourself in person, and i could tell that your reserch was extensive, You write so beautifully, i want to read a novel of yours, it could be about how cows are the true evil behind mcdonalds icecream machine not working and i would still EAT IT UP. Both were collapsed and torn, however there was no evidence that the bear had pulled the victims from the main tent. No other record keeping by Tim was turned over to the park service.). Willy then states that he turned around and headed back down the path through the thick alders at a pretty good clip and just as he gets to the plane, he turns and spots a pretty nasty looking bear that he had seen on earlier flights, sneaking slowly down the trail with its head down. Good writing of the events, if Tim would of keep a 44mag for just this kind of event he and his friend would still be here, not having a backup plan was his down fall, hope is not a plan. Bears in Katmai National Park typically begin to den sometime in October or November and go into hyperpagia in early September, as they try to gain as much weight as possible prior to denning by mass feeding. You expressed compassion and kindness beside the facts. Had rounded a corner, surprised a rattler, rattles, scares horse, rears, she is thrown off back, concussion and also temporary blindness for about six days. I'm truly sick of hearing about fucktards like him being cited as "Brave" and "Magical" and all the other cockswallop bandied about . Anyway, thanks for the article! I am impressed with this article. the reason? Sadly his actions caused his death and Amie his girlfriend. He seems a man who felt betrayed the people who meant the most to him and his stubborn pride made him seek out love and acceptance from a source that wouldn't judge him. The scariest part of the story is that he found no front paw prints on theretreating path of the bear. I got curious when I came across Tim and Amies tragic story. Ranger Ellis then requests that Willy Fulton be contacted by radio and asked that he remain nearby, if he could do so safely. He turned to nature to get over his addictions to booze and drugs. It saddens me he ran with such a foolish group of people that clearly didn't care on bit for him. This guy just annoys me. MEN are supposed to, since Time Immemorial, PROTECT Those in Our Charge from EXACTLY THIS KIND OF DANGER. Being trained as a physicians assistant, it is believed that Amie made her way to Tim, and from the sounds caught on tape, the bear returns and Amie is forced to back off. Timothy Treadwell (WARNING GRAPHIC) PIECE 516 subscribers Subscribe 4.2K Share Save 608K views 4 years ago Every audio of Timothy Treadwell that's on YouTube is FAKE, unless they. The world needs to quit studying gas bubbles in Antarctic ice and redirect those funds to lead a manmade effort that involves transporting protein from beef or pork to the Arctic homes of the majestic polar bears. Some have said that they've seen a good deal and couldn't help but notice that the late Mr. Treadwell's gals' presence on film is rather insignificant, leaving them to conclude that he was not so much interested in bears but instead himself (i.e., was all about him and not the bears).Next, re those coyotes following you, once had occasion to live on a farm/ranch with my one aunt/uncle/cousins. Watching him in that movie convinces me that he had the emotional and intellectual brain of a childnear retarded for his age. He needed someone that cared enough to get him help. Not all the bears on earth are worth 1 humaneven a stupid human like Tim. The black bear is the only native bear in North America (ursus americanus). (Herrero 1985, et al). Is there any pictures of the aftermath? That's why it's also important that the world know who wrote this article. In one of the more powerful scenes in Werner Herzog's 2005 documentary film about the attack, Grizzly Man, the director himself bears witness to this auditory horror. Because the bear did not appear to be acting aggressively, the rangers allowed it to move off. Gaede, Marc. 2003 Park Service Incident Report pages 2,3,9. Timothy Treadwell was the sort of guy most Alaskans loved to hate. Sunday night, and not during the day while Tim was normally out filming and interacting with bears. Tim was delusional. He was just plain lucky for 13 years and became over confident in his own abilities. The camera captured the victims grotesque screams and excruciating suffering. (Van Daele 2004). The publisher of this latest UTube version stated to me in an email that he knew the audio he labeled as real, is in fact a fake. If you knew Dave, my Father's email address: [emailprotected] Thanks again for your work,Brad. People are curious to see the autopsy photos of Timothy Treadwell and Amie Huguenard to confirm their demise. I remember once out at my bear viewing area sitting alone one day, and feeling a bit sleepy in the warm sun I decided to lay back and close my eyes for a moment, when I remember feeling that something was watching me. Makes total sense that he got GOT by an older bear that had come into the Maze after the younger, stronger bears, had had their fill of food and headed in to hibernate.I will say Kudos to Treadwell for living the life that he wanted to liveby his terms (illegal or otherwise), and also going out on his own terms. Your words and story help others even though it would include lessons from others. Bears have instincts like humans. Lol. The two climb onto the planes float and yell as the bear continues to move away. *Due to the graphic content of the video, you will have to sign-in to YouTube to verify your age before watching. 2004, On camera dialog: Grizzly Man Movie. After the college party life took over his life and losing his scholarship, Tim began auditioning for parts in various sitcoms, changing his name to Treadwell from his mothers side of the family. His right arm and hand laying nearby with his wrist watch still attached. Very possibly gay. i'm getting killed . I found this name early with a small description of what happened while watching some videosabout into the wild, I decided to look further into it. Now think about the fact that up till the end of the last Ice Age, most of the world was filled with even more ferocious and massive beasts than currently exist. Go Away! With a previous girlfriend, Jewel Palovak, he wrote his 1997 book Among Grizzlies: Living With Wild Bears in Alaska. Together they began Grizzly People, a non-profit group devoted to educating people, especially children, about bears and as a way to fund his travels to Alaska. Fallico, Dr. thank you for your story. Hello !I looked into a doku about a photographer from Switzerland, which has been spending a lot of time in Alasca, filming bears in this doku i heard about Tim and Amie and afterwards i wanted to know more i am thankful for your words and that you gave Amie "a place" in this story its tragic, i think she knew what was going on but we all know, what love has to do with it he has had no fear that is important to understand this ending of 2 lifes very sad and brutal but he was the only one to make choices, after regarding that special bear i am very sad about the death of Tim and Amie but i am thankful, you brought YOUR thoughts into the internet, so i can try do understand, what has happened ! Superintendent of Katmai National Park. My problem was to try to get them NOT to run away so I could watch, but, as I said, that could only happen if they couldn't see me.None of this can be said for grizzly bears. But let's face it, no one deserves the kind of tormented life or death Timothy endured. 2003 Scene Investigator. Sunao Adelstein: Who Is she? Yes the death was gruesome but not out of the ordinary gor the wild. Also, his constant abuse of drugs and alcohol. Better yet educating people on what tim did wrong with his own story? But I was originally skeptical. Bears die all the time, they fight, they starve, they get diseases and other injuries, they die. His need to escape humans and antisocial behavior, again point to the social awkwardness and anxiety he felt toward people. How many times have each of seen a dog take the food and go away a short distance, where it feels safer? Fulton, Willy. Timothy Treadwell AKA The Grizzly Man Autopsy Photos LolaGal Apr 15, 2009 Timothy Treadwell AKA The Grizzly Man Autopsy Photos Grab a Frying Pan & Hit It on the Head! 2005, Readers Digest Interview. 2004, On camera interview: Grizzly Man Movie. He did not die quickly, unlike some traumatic death victims who were lucky enough to drift off into a shock induced dream state. Whittlesey, Lee H. 1995, Death in Yellowstone, Accidents and Foolhardiness in the First National Park: Roberts Rinehart Publishers. Im an engineer & pilot in the energy sector. I know, Ive experienced it myself and I have seen folks give up high paying jobs just to be able to do it. Bears are more reluctant to attack multiple people than they are one lone individual. However, I do not believe that Amies screams attracted the bear like a predator call. I am sad for Amy. I've never read an article with so much speculation in it from an author. Often ripping and tearing the scalp, ears, and face. This latter scenario can not be confirmed because thankfully for us the video tape ran out before it occurred.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'yellowstone_bearman_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_12',123,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-yellowstone_bearman_com-mobile-leaderboard-1-0'); This incident occurred due to An unconventional person with unconventional behavior toward bears, camped in the middle of a very dangerous situation.. THE POLAR BEARS THANK YOU. lol) also not written by a hater of nature or better tagged someone who has no clue about anything not having to do with modern electronics in the comfort of his condo . Humans are incredibly fragile. Again, I believe this older male bear had become conditioned through repetition. Sounds of the bear dragging Tim off, and the fading sounds of his screams indicate that Tim is being pulled and dragged into the brush and away from camp.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'yellowstone_bearman_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_7',117,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-yellowstone_bearman_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); As the tape comes to an end, the sounds of Amies high-pitched screams rise to a new level, much like what has been described as the sound of a predator call used by hunters to produce the distress cries of a small wounded animal which often attracts bears. Be aware and be smart. I have heard it and no it is not real but a fake or spoof. An excellent, top-notch job, bravo & thank you! It seems to be more than just pure luck. Be safe, be true to you, enjoy your journey. Votes: 6 11.1% Run Like Hell! 2003, AP Wire Interview. But I definitely would have had a firearm with me, just for protection. Bears are wild killers. Bears along the Alaskan coast are well-fed because of the areas salmon runs. At the time of necropsy, 3 days after Tim and Amie were killed, bear #141 was reported to be a scrawny, but healthy 1000 pound 28-year-old male that was probably looking to fatten up for winter, with broken canine teeth, and others worn down to the gums. At the same time, it would been feeling wrong to receive any money from it. Nevertheless, the pair carried out the plan and met their demise despite the presence of fear and the potential for threat. I wish that all journalists and all news stories could be/were written as precise and unbiased as you wrote this. I hate reading, I have two college degrees and am very educated and extremely smart however Im just now reader. Emery, Mark. I have lived through horrors of nature that will forever walk in my dreams. I got my words out but I wanted to say. Timothy seemed like a very misguided man, thinking that this was his life mission, totally detached from society. Herzog contends that the cameras lens was not opened in the documentary Grizzly Man.. In each case, Tim would leave the tent as soon as he heard a bear nearby, and would calmly talk to them in his often child like voice encouraging and forcing them to leave. Treadwell was last heard from at noon Sunday, when he used a satellite phone to call a friend in Malibu. Amie had only spent a few weeks, each of the three years that she had been to Alaska. People do stupid things for fame, money, and greed. Amie is heard screaming over the background sounds of rain hitting the tent, the wind, and other storm sounds all mixed in with the bear and Tim fighting to Play dead! Seconds pass before Amie yells again to Play dead! (Van Daele 2004), Not surprisingly, with Amie yelling and screaming nearby, this seems to work and the bear breaks off the attack. Tim said he was learning to be around bears, but that he wanted to get out of there right away because the bears had been in his camp. They should of enforced the regulations better and not allow someone as reckless as Tim back in the park. He committed suicide by bear. Or he could have done this out of fear, thus wanting to please her. If there are any of you who think the same way that Timothy Treadwell did and you want to go to Alaska and save grizzly bears, learn from Treadwells mistakes , because if you dont, you could very well meet the same horrifying fate. I found it very interesting and very well explained. The couple had spent parts of the three previous summers together in Alaska. (National Park Service 2003) The same bears he claimed to protect. Great, while harrowing and at the same time, objective! Apparently either Tim had asked Amie to turn the camera on, or Amie just turned it on out of reflex. Greatings from Dsseldorf. Bear 141, even with missing teeth, could have shaken Timothy once and broken his neck. Timothy Treadwell (born Timothy William Dexter; April 29, 1957 - October 6, 2003) was an American bear enthusiast, environmentalist, naturalist, documentary filmmaker, and founder of the bear-protection organization Grizzly People. Almost from the start, National Park Service officials worried about Tims behavior. The fact that he was not killed earlier, just goes to prove that grizzly bears really want nothing to do with humans and would rather avoid us whenever possible, but will tolerate us, to a point. No gun, no weapon of any kind except for a frying pan, screaming was all she had left. His boy was horrible & the ones close seemed staged. There is an old Pioneer story about one of the original pioneering families on Afognak, (island next to Kodiak). Those are questions that will never be answered. I think this would clear a lot of his mental instability. He lived with the grizzly bears of Katmai . Movies or even documentaries have things added that are not fact. I have no opinion on Treadwell as a person, or his character, I know he loved Grizzly bears and wanted to protect them, but after all is said and done, when Treadwell stepped foot into grizzly territory, it was only a matter of time before he would meet his fate. Very strange things happen in the backcountry when you are least expecting it. The remains of Tim Treadwell, 46, a self proclaimed eco-warrior and photographer, along with girlfriend Amie Huguenard, 37, a physicians assistant, both of Malibu California were found Monday October 6, 2003 in Katmai usgs topo map of kaflia bay, alaska, area of maulingNational Park and Preserve on the Alaska Peninsula after the air taxi pilot Willy Fulton, who had flown in to pick the couple up near Kaflia Bay, contacted the National Park Service and Alaska State Troopers to report that a brown bear was sitting on top of what appeared to be human remains near the camp. Nothing that something as small as a .22 can't solve, however. Sometimes you get the bear, and sometimes the bear gets you. Get free chips and no deposit bonuses at Also, who is the author of this great piece of literature, "The Night of the Living Bear"? It was the same with the "Crocodile man", it was a matter of time , all my Wildlife savvy friends agree ,he was going to get the chop.Tempt fate long enough & it WILL call YOUR number.. Just because a book is written doesnt mean there is profit from a death.Any money you made could be used for a good cause.In fact more people would probably buy it.Hidden away, hard to find online isnt as valuable of a resource. I mean, sure, it's great but all animals-including humans-are the result of millions of years of a brutal and cold struggle.Just watch videos uploaded by regular people of hyenas and wild dogs hunting prey in Africa. Ever think the money could go to conservation? When I encounter a bear I instantly & CALMLY get a weapon ready & look for the safest route away from the bear as Im evaluating the bears behaviour. Well after bashing tim a bit i'll say i love the guy see alot of myself in him. 2004, On camera interview: Grizzly Man Movie. After barely graduating high school, Tim left for Southern California and ended up in Long Beach. By whom, I could never guess. During this period, Tims cries and pleadings can be heard for two-thirds of that time. If someone had told me back in October 2003 that I would be investigating and writing about this incident for several years, I would have laughed. Timothy comes out of the tent to bluff the bear away, but the bear's ability to pick up on the signals is compromised by the weather, and he/she sees TT as a threat. for years to comebut like you said of how nightmares are a price you paid for being too close wouldn't this be less of a nightmare in possibly preventing future mishaps like the Treadwell travesty from happening through education and by reading and responding to an audience that knows you won't be a jerk or take them too lightly. I know the bear was the one known as Quincy the Bear by Tim. Great article. This is an excerpt from a Readers Digest article: Timothy Treadwell was the sort of guy most Alaskans loved to hate. They are not to be trusted . Treadwell, Tim. as much as i would love to feed a bear & show them affection, i know that in doing so i could inadvertently harm the bear, or a human. This was a good read. After moving a clump of dirt, ranger Ellis later recalled seeing fingers and an arm protruding from the pile. Tim on the other hand, had spent months each year for 13 years, five of which carrying a video camera, and literally filmed everything! For starters, this particular bear was unfriendly. After reading your excelent article which I stumbled across by chance and then looked up the Documentary my opinion is that by staying later than ussual in the year, most of the healthier well fed bears that were used to Tims pressence went into hibernation thus leaving their territory free for wilder more agresive less well fed bears who were desperate to put on weight to go into hibernation, these bears would not hessitate to kill and feed at the first oportunity they would have encontered.Another consideration I have is had Amie stood her ground after she initially startled the bear maybe Tim would not have been draged away as it basicaly became a fight over prey, . Likewise, a 28-year-old bear devoured a 46-year-old man and his girlfriend, and the authorities discovered the pairs clothing and other human remains in its stomach. I do know first hand that these children develop mental health and addiction disorders and social ramifications that I cannot even have the time nor space to list. * (Disclaimer: This video content below is intended for educational and informational purposes only and is highly graphic in nature viewer discretion is advised) *. 2004, On camera interview: Grizzly Man Movie. Sign up for our daily email and get the stories everyone is talking about. Whatever is easy to get to while expending the least amount of energy. Open snack food was found in the tent untouched, so they were about to eat a quick snack before bed as the sound of a bear is heard outside. Your voice is beautiful! A former heroin addict, the 46-year-old found solace with the grizzlies - who he spoke to, played with. For starters, Treadwell was an outsider, a Californian from the weird-wacky end of the scale, a guy sporting a shock of blond hair and a backward baseball cap, with the outdoors skills youd expect of a former Malibu cocktail waiter. This article really got me reading.