Agree Disagree No preference Prioritize your choice above: High Medium Low 2. Which Tribe are you 1 8 So this is just gonna bring ya up to speed on some of the terminologies, ok? Lorekeepers and Talesingers,they remember Garou historyand teach it through their impassioned tales. As well, Patron Spirits grant the ability for Garou to use their Gifts, spiritual powers that represent the Patron Spirits goals and acumen. Once, thetribes human blood was entirely Native American. A prelude is a short session with the player to tell, the story of her character's life up through the present, including, family life, important events and the First Change. Werewolf Today's Top Quizzes in Gaming Browse Gaming hide this ad Today's Top Quizzes in World Browse World Top Contributed Quizzes in Gaming 1 Genshin Impact Logic Puzzle Quiz II 2 Genshin Impact Logic Puzzle Quiz 3 Dream SMP Logic Puzzle 4 Image Spelling: Gaming 5 Genshin Impact Logic Puzzle 6 Dream SMP Samhain, All Hallows Eve, Halloween dont let last the name fool you, the Fianna do not celebrate Halloween like the humans do. About the best you can say about them is that theyre not actively badjust immensely boring. WebWerewolf: The Apocalypse Earthblood is an action-RPG allowing you to infiltrate and tear apart an evil corporation, all while fluently transforming in between three forms: Homid (human), Lupus (wolf) and Crinos (werewolf). These are werewolves that have given themselves over to the Wyrm. 5) Wendigo. Test Your Games & Toys knowledgewith these Werewolf the Apocalypse Auspice Quiz Quizzes More Fun With SelectSmart: Cast your vote! The Black Furies are also an all-female tribe of werewolves, who claim to be descended from Amazons, but whodespite the beliefs of both werewolves and real-life Apocalypse playersarent man-haters, so much as women-supporters. They cannot even breed, among their own kind. 6. Instead, he swats you hard with his big paw, knocking you over with the force of the blow. A Garou is not bound to join the tribe of their ancestry; a cub, for example, may not meet the standards expected of a tribe and is therefore unacceptable as a member. Well share more with you here in upcoming blogs. Agree Disagree No preference Prioritize your choice above: High Medium Low 2. The other Native American werewolf tribe. Faction A tribe is a relationship not only with other Garou of that distinction, but also with the Patron Spirit itself. It was this, combined with the fact that the Fierce Ones of Erie have never lost their land (Ireland is still undisputedly Fianna), that made the Tribe known to the other Garou as the Fianna. Predict Your ResultBlack Furies Strawberry Fishsticks 1 10 You wake up one morning very early and look outside. Nomadic, introspective, and highly spiritual, the Silent Striders have plumbed the depths of the Umbra, perhaps more deeply than any other tribe of Garou . 1. Contents 1 History 1.1 Early History 1.2 Dark Ages You don't, want undeveloped caricatures. Choose wisely. You work best with subterfuge and guile. In the first look provided to players, Werewolf: The Apocalypse showcased the various Garou tribes, each of which come with different abilities and a different attitude on how to combat the apocalypse. 19. WebThe Silent Striders are one of the tribes found in Werewolf: The Apocalypse. With the coming of Imbolc, signs of life return to the world; both in the plants and animals of Mother Nature, and in the birthing of new Kin into the world. Their ancestry ranges from Ireland,Scotland, Wales and England, but in modern times, they can be found anywhere their relatives have migrated. Paradox Interactive. Some managed to gain the trust of a local Beast Court, while others began to roam the Central Asian steppes, even taking Kinfolk from the nomad barbarians there. The rightful rulers of the Garou Nation, they preserve impeccable breeding through both their lupine and human lineages. WebTribes Overview - Werewolf The Apocalypse. Tribes and Renown are just two of the perspectives Garou bring to bear, with their animistic outlook on the world and its state. Additionally, there are two secret Camps that practice ways that are not orthodox with the culture of the Tribe at large. Web7,914 views Jan 30, 2022 A brief overview of the 13 remaining tribes of Gaia from the tabletop roleplaying game, Werewolf: the Apocalypse. In simplest terms, a tribe is any number of werewolves who are pledged to a patron spirit. 3 Agree Disagree No preference In recent decades,the Uktena have begun to breed with other races. For some reason, you can't seem to go back to sleep, though the full moon still sits in the sky, not quite faded by the light of the rising sun. The 2023 Complete Python Certification Bootcamp Bundle, I Saw Jonathan Frakes Giving Patrick Stewart a Noogie. 2. Werewolf Today's Top Quizzes in Gaming Browse Gaming hide this ad Today's Top Quizzes in World Browse World Top Contributed Quizzes in Gaming 1 Genshin Impact Logic Puzzle Quiz II 2 Genshin Impact Logic Puzzle Quiz 3 Dream SMP Logic Puzzle 4 Image Spelling: Gaming 5 Genshin Impact Logic Puzzle 6 Dream SMP A young cub is put under the supervision of an older Fiann, usually a blood relative. The Uktena are the most mysterious and mystical of the tribes. Also, they especially hate the bejeezus out of vampires, and thats always fun. It whips it's head around, staring you straight in the eye. In an effort to take the fight to the Wyrm, the Howlers marched down the Spiral Labyrinth and forever left Gaia behind as their minds were corrupted by the evil of the Wyrms domain. The game was the second to integrate the fictional universe in a game system (the Storyteller System ) which had been introduced in the Vampire: The Masquerade line, released earlier in the year. Maybe hybrid? Strawberry Fishsticks 1 10 You wake up one morning very early and look outside. WebQuiz introduction I have exactly one area of expertise and it's Werewolf: the Apocalypse. The curse took one year to scatter the Silent Striders to the four corners of the earth, forcing them to abandon most of their caerns and making them homeless vagabond in the eyes of their peers. no risk refund guarantee In turn, they lost their power to return to their homeland and would form the Changing Breeds as they are known. Unlike Attributes, all Abilities start at zero dots. To the Tribe, the turning of the season from Autumn into Winter is the last real chance to party hard before the snow blankets the world and Gaias creatures begin their slumber. They are as evil as any D&D monster race, and Werewolf: The Apocalypse wouldnt even discuss the possibility of a player-character choosing to be one until years after the games debut. In W:tA, werewolves' roles in their packs and society are determined by what moon phase they are born under. Werewolf: The Apocalypse Earthblood is an action-RPG allowing you to infiltrate and tear apart an evil corporation, all while fluently transforming in between three forms: Homid (human), Lupus (wolf) and Crinos (werewolf). They say, and you realize what is happening. That was great!). In fact they dislike humans so much, they absolutely hate being in human form, and avoid it whenever possible. I feel that I am fiercely independent and sure of myself. This is accurate based off the research of a 17 year old nerdy fangirl. Perhaps no other tribe is as adept at gathering and spreading information than the Striders. 24 Verso BR), Silent Striders (3 Ed. All 14 Werewolf Tribes of Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Ranked. The list of tribes had two notable exclusions The Get of Fenris and Stargazers from past editions were both removed from the list of playable options. The Kin of the Fianna in the northernmost counties of Eireann now lead the vicious campaign between the Irish Republican Army and British Forces, as well as Protestant paramilitary groups still loyal to the Crown; and of course, the Garou of that area have also been dragged into the fight. In recent decades,the Uktena have begun to breed with other races. This change was made (and explained in a subsection in Tribebook: Fianna Revised) due to the fact that, after the destruction of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, the writers decided that it would be tactless to trivialize the deaths that have occurred due to the very real conflict by heavily including it within the Fianna canon and "simplifying" the politics involved. This may be a controversial pick. We've already been saving your edits, so if you Get Dressed measure of his bravery and battle ability, Honor gauges his ability, to live according to the ethics of his kind, and Wisdom represents, discuss the game's basic premise and themes (specifically those, you wish to explore ) . Choose wisely. Possibly the best-informed tribe andthe most competent at spying. According to Tribal legends, the Fianna were born from the union of a passionate Gaillard and Danu, an aspect of Gaia which they see as the mother to both the Fianna and the Tuatha de Danaan. Also, the first children in centuries had been born that could hear the voices of their Ancestors since Sutekh had spoken his curse upon the tribe. One of the reasons for their frequent wandering is to find and destroy the influence of the Wyrm. Some werewolves choose their tribe; many werewolves feel that, somehow, their tribe chooses them. 16. During the time of the rise of the prophet Muhammad, the Theurge Fire Walker received a vision which foretold Gaia's death by fire and smoke under a Red Star, while the Garou desperately put Metis into the world to defend a lost cause. fee-ann'-uh 5) Wendigo. More children and puppies are conceived at Beltane than any other time of the year as the ardor of the Tribe turns to love and mating. What is the first thing you do? Everything seems fairly normal. The Troubles have died down as far as the Garou are concerned. As with Attributes, let your concept guide your decision. The first question is below. Among all the tribes, the Striders hold the smallest number of caerns. Preludes will be, your players' first exposure to your chronicle, so make them, a prelude for the pack as a whole. Beltane is also the traditional time of year for Challenge for Righ of a Sept or for any other position within it. While Lestat-loving role-playing gamers of the 90s were busy playing White Wolfs Vampire: The Masquerade, gamers who craved action were busy playing Werewolf: The Apocalypse. Alongside the Children of Gaia, the Silent Striders were among the first of the tribes to protest against the Impergium, although the reason for this was more pragmatism (humans getting increasingly hostile, stronger, and aggressive with every passing generation) than actual concern for them. I dont want to blow your mind, but this is not as much fun to play as you might initially think. Like the Glass Walkers, the Bone Gnawers have embraced humanity and their cities. *< POTATOES!!!!!! It is often the guardians of these caerns that prove to be the rare example of a Silent Strider who actually stays put. For some reason, you can't seem to go back to sleep, though the full moon still sits in the sky, not quite faded by the light of the rising sun. The light through the trees shows it is nearly nightfall, the pale pink light of the setting sun falling upon you. As much as many of them talk, telling stories and bearing messages, they are also, on the whole, excellent listeners, and will pick up subtle details in a conversation others might miss. The character concept, is something like a thesis sentence for your character. More often than not, a Strider in a group is found in a pack composed of many tribes. Many younger packs take a more direct route to keeping their spirits up, and they turn Lughnassa into a Wild Hunt, taking out as many Wyrm creatures in one night as possible, honoring their Ancestors with every blow they strike against their enemies. The good news is that the Uktena are the very best at hunting and destroying the Wyrm and its servants. This tribe is primarily of Germanic and Scandinavian descent, and Fenrir take great pride in their heritage. Because while all werewolves are basically hippy, nature-loving warriors for Gaea, who hate humans for our world-polluting ways, Glass Walkers are the exception. 81 Verso BR), Silent Striders (Dark Ages, pg. Calling you a coward is akin to suicide. The most moderate of the tribes, the Children of Gaia consider themselves mediators and humanitys champions. When America was colonized, many younger Striders followed them out of curiosity, establishing Kinfolk families and enjoying the unspoiled lands. In a game design sense, certain verbs define the tribes as an expectation of gameplay. A book that finds which tribe you'd be in White wolf publishings Werewolf the Apocalypse. You're a very balanced and fair person. The Silent Striders have little in the way of formal organization. First, give the players each a character sheet and give them a, minute to look it over and ask questions about them. You are immediately taken aback by their grace, strength, and beauty. Everything seems fairly normal. The Striders profited from the road network of the Roman empire, but preferred the wilds to civilization. In Werewolf: The Apocalypse, players are werewolves (or Garou, as they tend to call themselves) who are trying to stave off the ecological collapse of the world, the "Apocalypse" referred to in the title of the game. Relations with local Pure Tribes were - and are - strained, with most Fianna taking any unprotected Caerns unapologetically. 7. priorities might prompt you to alter your focus or intent. The Name of Remembrance is usually a Greek form of an Egyptian name, done to remember their lost Ancestors and their place of origin. increase Abilities to four or five dots with freebie points later. Ahroun. Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition. The location of this moot changes with every occurrence, though such events are usually held on a desolate stretch of untraveled road. Werewolf: The Apocalypse Heart of the Forest is a visual novel introducing player to the world of legendary tabletop RPG experience. Choose wisely. 80 Verso BR), Silent Striders (Tribebook: Silent Striders Revisado, pg. All Righs, with the approval of their Council of Song, select a Taniaste. WebWerewolves are outsiders in a way that few humans have ever experienced directly. Choose wisely. The last of the old year's brew is shared, and the first of the new year's as well. 4) Red Talons. You see it as your job to keep everyone's spirits high. The Fianna believe that deformities mirror some spiritual corruption. Mothers Touch, Sense Wyrm, Spirit Speech. The three breeds are homid (born to humans), lupus (born, to wolves) and metis (born from the union of two Garou). Maybe hybrid? Intense Curiosity: Willpower roll Difficulty 8 when called for by a ST. You were born human and raised by human parents. Now she spends her time looking out for the other, runaways, since no one else will." Plus, the Children of Gaia are the self-appointed peacekeepers between the various werewolf tribes, most of whom hate each another for one reason or another; this is often a very useful character to add to a Werewolf: The Apocalypse gaming group. Almost like wizards or mages, the Silent Striders have spent their time studying the Umbrathus learning bizarre, unique powers that no other werewolves have, but also turning them into spooky, self-absorbed drifters. While some Red Talons are happy to murder any human they see (and feel they can get away with), most are a bit more reasonable, which is usually how they get worked into campaigns. It simply happens, and the details of how are a tribal secret. Gaia, the world-spirit, is dying or dead. JavaScript is currently disabled. Predict Your Result Ragabash The Uktena are the most mysterious and mystical of the tribes. You often find yourself playing the devil's advocate. However, this may be for the best, because for some reason White Wolf decided that the Silver Fangs were also hopelessly inbred, not only weakening them physically, but often making them varying degrees of insane. Tribe is akin to the clans in Vampire, a social unit but also a way of looking at things and a call to action on handling them. The Righ is advised by a Council of Song, usually comprised of Galliards and Theurges. Tribes also have other characteristics, the first of which is pretty obvious: Patron Spirit. The Get of Fenris have long been a problematic faction within Werewolf: The Apocalypse, largely due to that Tribe's association with Naziism and fascism. A Garou with low Renown may have difficulty convincing a spirit to lend them its Gifts; a Garou with high Renown may be courted by packs seeking bold action against the tragedies of a world in Apocalypse or may find themselves undermined by bitter rivals who resent young upstarts challenging their own legends. poodles to a penchant for quoting favorite action movies. In Gaul, now known as France, were the Hounds of the Horned One, in the mountainous areas of Europe were the Skysingers, in the Balkans were the Night Claws, and, the most predominant of all, the Fierce Ones known also as the Fianna, who called the western isles of England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland home. Your prediction will not influence your results. 4. To this day, the Fenrir have yet to succeed in claiming any of the Caerns in Ireland. Would You Survive the Werewolf Apocalypse? 1) Get of Fenris. WebThe Fianna are one of the Tribes found in Werewolf: The Apocalypse. Besides the whole turning-into-a-wolf-or-a-man-or-a-wolf-man powers, many werewolves gain other mystical powers from accessing the spirit world, called the Umbra. Mobile Users: 1st Question What is your Games & Toys IQ? Werewolves are outsiders in a way that few, humans have ever experienced directly. Sure, every few centuries, the heads of the clans may get together and decree a few things, but mainly werewolves hang out by themselves or in small packs. The Wendigo are great fighters, but also have impressive stealth ability, which basically makes them werewolf ninjas. The Get of Fenris, seeing the weakness in the other Tribe, set their sights on the isles and began a war which would last for over five hundred years, ending with the battle of Colntarf in 1014 when Brian led the Celtic armies in defeating the hordes of Vikings (Fenrir Kinfolk) and Irish mercenaries. This is the night where they can make their challenge freely. 21. Even when werewolves do breed with, humans or wolves, the offspring rarely breeds true. The concept needs be, only a general idea of what your character is like. This is accurate based off the research of a 17 year old nerdy fangirl. An example, escape an abusive parent, and she had her First Change in a youth, shelter. The Silent Striders are one of the tribes found in Werewolf: The Apocalypse. The Uktena are trying to use the Wyrms dark powers against it, but this freaks the other werewolf clans out. For this reason, they shun their Metis, and a Fiann that finds himself maimed beyond even a Garou's healing powers is avoided. Good Alright first thing first Garu= Werewolf Sept=Territory Weaver= cities, technology, human, etc. How. When Malcom "Wyrm-mocker" Sutton died, the Brotherhood stopped playing in Kinfolk politics. Few of these werewolves have any lasting love for a place (apart from those tales of his ancestral homeland a Strider might preserve), and most are born with a wanderlust deep in their blood. Stil, if you basically want to play a chaotic neutral werewolf, the Silver Fangs have got you covered. Werewolf: The Apocalypse Heart of the Forest is out now. I do the daily crossword puzzle each day, sometimes even those other weird puzzles. Strongly based on Celtic and European traditions, they are known among the Garou for their passions for the pleasure of life, their skills and ferocity in battle, and as keepers of the music, stories, and lore of the Garou. Brian Boroimhe united all the Celtic Tribes of Ireland under one ruler and became what human history known as the first (and last) true Ard Righ of Ireland; he took the name Brian Boru (meaning Brian of the Tributes) when he became High King after his brother Mahon was murdered by Viking assassins. 439 Dislike Share. It may not be the Politically Correct thing to say, but its right. Seriously, this is a race of werewolves who spend their time sifting through peoples trash for food and sleeping in the streets. 3. Once, thetribes human blood was entirely Native American. Contents 1 History 1.1 Early History 1.2 Dark Ages WebThe first title in the series, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, was published by White Wolf Publishing in 1991. ), 12. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. All. The Uktena are the most mysterious and mystical of the tribes. Warriors and protectors, theyfight like no other auspicesand bring destruction to theWyrm wherever it dwells and breeds. Choose wisely. Strawberry Fishsticks 1 10 You wake up one morning very early and look outside. You are physically impressive and athleticly inclined. You're always looking for a fight and have a damned bad temper. The Silent Striders were faced with a serious drop in Kinfolk population during the Holocaust and when the surviving Jews managed to establish their own nation, opinions in the tribe over the incident as well as the rising Islamic tendencies in the Middle East and the growing power of radical groups began to diverge. Garou must breed with humans and wolves to perpetuate their kind and breed healthy (and fertile) offspring. more. Would You Survive the Werewolf Apocalypse? You like order and try your hardest to uphold rules and fairness. The River Pact between the local Mokol and the Silent Striders ensured a clear division in territory and allowed for a peaceful coexistence. Something all werewolves agree on is that the world is in a disastrous state. Until you were almost full-grown (two years or so), you were unaware of your true nature as a werewolf. Your prediction will not influence your results. If you have to do something, its best to give it your very best effort. Righs are independent, but usually acknowledge warleaders of more powerful septs as their betters. Im not sure why. Will you defeat the werewolves? WebWerewolf the Apocalypse Auspice Quiz This free Games & Toys selector determines your best Werewolf the Apocalypse Auspice Quiz match. WebWerewolves are outsiders in a way that few humans have ever experienced directly. These virtues reflect both how a werewolf undertakes a given situation, but also the esteem in which spirits and other werewolves hold them. Try to keep things as simple as possible and give the players room. Slowly, the woman walks behind you. 3) Silent Striders. I was one of those kids who actually liked that family tree project in school. I feel that I am fiercely independent and sure of myself. Fianna Tribe is akin to the clans in Vampire, a social unit but also a way of looking at things and a call to action on handling them. Nomadic, introspective, and highly spiritual, the Silent Striders have plumbed the depths of the Umbra, perhaps more deeply than any other tribe of Garou .