Must Try honey samplers with Nut pops

Must Try honey samplers with Nut pops


Get your hands on this unique taster pack with all of Eatopia’s must try’s! Wild forest honey, fruitylicious litchi honey, Karanj Mountain honey, divine tulsi honey, raw honey from stingless bees or little bees and Eatopia’s little energy bars, our powered up superfood – Nut Pops with a tantalizing Peri-Peri twist.

SKU: SKU-1-1 Category:

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Customer Reviews
What our customers have to say about us and our products

Aarti Gupta

I used the Forest Flower honey & Tulsi honey all Jan and Feb and so far no one in the family has a cough or cold!!


Rishi Sharma

I bought the Little Bee honey and want you to know it is the best honey I have ever tasted. My parents instilled in us the many benefits of honey and I have tasted honey from all over the world, this is easily one of the best!!


Swapna Menon

My little one is a fussy eater and I am always on the lookout for good nutritious food for her. She adores the Little Bee honey and gobbles it with pancakes, muesli even curd. And Im pleased I found something that she loves to eat which is so nutritious for her.


Himanny Arora

Like this product a lot due to its tangy and sweet honey. Its fragrance is real with golden colour of the honey. I really like how it tastes with my bitter ayurvedic meds. I also use it to apply face mask and its perfectly thick.



I've been using this honey from the past few days. It tastes more rich and original than the normal honey we get in the market. The quality is really good too. Would definitely recommend.

Nature’s most precious for your little bee.

Just the right balance of flavours to be finger licking good for kids, this honey is a super power immunity booster for your little one

Model Girl Karanj Flowers
Karanj Flowers